
Demo 1


Demo 2


Demo 3


Package Details

Hi! I'm Ayanna.

The first voice your company hears is often through your phone system. I will help you make the best impression possible with a clear, professional recording to make your clients feel welcome and informed.

As a freelance voice talent, I have delivered hundreds of recordings to clients all around the world. With a passion for arts and creativity, I credit my experience as an educator, musician, and being a mom for giving me the skills to hone my craft and always have fun..

What does this mean for you?
- Fast communication
- 1 free revision
- 48-hour return on most projects (Same day most likely available.)
- Professional performances in pristine audio

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Other Packages by Ayanna




Number of Words Up to 100
Delivery Days 24hr
Number of Revisions 1
Non-Broadcast License
High Quality Audio File

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