Bank of Scotland app commercial, English, Scottish Accent

Profile photo for Carter Nisbet
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


The friendly, conversational delivery is in keeping with the theme of the commercial, which aims to appeal to the everyman and the very day things he does.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Instant means right now this second just like that. And that's just what you need when you wake up on a Sunday morning. See the damage from the weekend and wonder what all those payments are. Star of Nepal. What's that with the Bank of Scotland mobile banking app? You can use our new maps feature to pinpoint the payments you made when you were out and about, ah, the carry on Friday. How could I forget that Madras not available to every transaction Ts and CS apply.