Commercial Demo
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
North American (General)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Okay, Okay. L a minute shopping isn't all that glamorous. It's been an eight hour day of driving from store to store, standing in line fighting for parking spaces. But it's all worth it. I'm pretty sure I say $7 today. Every day we live life's pleasures. And every year, one in eight of us is diagnosed with breast cancer. The reef. It is a world class total health and wellness facility. No matter your fitness level, the reef. It gives you the support you need to boost your energy and help you look and feel your best. It's Megan, your inner voice. Now, if you could introduction chocolate, would you make sure it's Garrett Delhi? This time? I never really thought about plastic surgery before, but in the past few years I start to look older than I feel. I just want to be the best version of me I could be. Dr. MacMahon talked me through all the options available to me and help me achieve that. Oh, right now, ladies backs nice and straight. We didn't become one of the top selling dining tables and Ashley Furniture home store. Without perfect posture, your story will raise $1 million for Children in need through the United Way Are you in Inspire hope, Change a life live united?