
Profile photo for Garrett McAnulla
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English accent for audio book

Vocal Characteristics




British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
King's Gate, Kent, England, March 17 64 John Smith stepped inside the stable yard and lifted a hand to the man who was examining the wheel of a stage coach. Good morning, William. Good morning, Mr Smith. William Foreman straightened up, wiping his hands on a piece of rag. What can I do for you? Nothing. William Smith extended his hand. I was wondering if I could help you. I'm doing all right, Thank you, Mr Smith. William shook Smith's hand. All I need is a modicum of luck in a surge of passengers. His smile was slightly rueful. A coach company can't run without customers. Smith glanced over the coach. You're doing a good job with that carriage, William. It's looking as good as new. Thank you, Mr Smith. William patted the coach's door with the delicate hand had painted the words Appleby, Express, King's Gate, Appleby, London It's been a long road, but this vehicle is nearly ready to replace my old coach. That's why I came to see you. Smith leaned in against a pile of sawn timber business. You must have spent a lot of money renovating that carriage, William knotted a bit. He agreed cautiously. I have decided to branch out from shipping into land transport, Smith continued, eyeing the yard with its stabling for four horses, discarded paint parts and pieces of equipment. Williams nearly completed coach Stowed Williams, nearly completed. Coach, stood proud beside the old fashioned vehicle he had used for two years. I have the capital but lack the knowledge. What are you suggesting, Mr Smith? William asked a partnership, William Smith said. I supply the capital. New supply, the expertise. William shook his head. No, thank you, Mr Smith. I do not wish to enter into a partnership with anybody. I will own this business and rise or fall. On its successful failure, Smith pushed himself upright and walked around the odd with William watching everything he did. I will not interfere with your business, Smith said. I have three carts taking my goods to various parts of Kent in London. I wanted to branch out into the passenger trade. I am sorry, Mr Smith, Williams said, But I must decline your offer. I have no intention of taking on a partner as you wish, William Smith said with a slight smile. In that case, I will bid you a good day and wish you every success in your venture. Thank you, Mr Smith. William could not keep the relief from his voices. Smith left the stable yard. He watched Smith walk away and returned to his task and during the spokes of each wheel were fit for their purpose. Smith walked away, smiling. He could only admire Williams single mindedness and wished him every success. Now he must think of another way of entering the coaching business.