American English, Southern/Country accent, monster voice, vampire



My natural voice is neutral American, but I tend to slip into a country sound easily. I had fun with the monster and vampire voices, and the ship Captain is my \"teacher/mom voice\". :) Thanks to my coach, Melique Berger, as well as Austin and Roy at Float Studios!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Irish (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey there. You know, I don't pick up Hitchhikers on a can of them serial killer warnings, but you look nice. Maybe I'm the one that's not so nice kidding. Doctor told me. As long as I take my meds, my voices can't hurt me. Hey, don't hurt yourself. Where are you going, Tommy? What? You're getting married and he's a warlock. Did you even try dating? There has to be a nice monster like yourself at that university. Francine would never bring a warlock home. Everyone battles. I need those rockets ready. Ladies and gentlemen, we have only one shot to take this coyote down power the battery to Max Raynor. Your squad is on jetpacks and phasers go go if we miss we're dead fire brace for impact. Good morning. Sweetie. Time to get. Oh geez. Oh, Pete, what happened in here? This room was perfectly neat and tidy last night. Oh, no, I'm not gonna just wave my wand whenever it suits you. Well, I know I'm a fairy godmother but I'm not your fairy godmother. Now get to work and please don't miss the bus again today. Now repeat after me, I am a creature of the night I use my fangs to bite. I will never enter a home uninvited because decency matters. Furthermore, always say please and thank you before and after you feed, we may be vampires but we are not monsters. Jesus Mary and Joseph. This is Terry, all of it. So this is fashion. Now, where's the color? Where's the fun? Where's the blood? We need inspiration. I haven't seen anything this disappointment since Seamus o'malley tried to make a drop of the crater and found himself with grape juice.