Paranormal Podcast Storytelling

Profile photo for Michelle Swink
Not Yet Rated


A section from a podcast discussing paranormal experiences.

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
As for me and my personal strange, dark and mysterious experience at the scur hotel. This took place several years ago. I had a lovely evening including dinner at the hotel restaurant and an after dinner drink in the piano bar. We returned to the room settled in and fell fast asleep with no problems. At some point in the night, I had a dream that someone was in the room moving around. It was just this dark shadow slowly going across the room in my dream. I just watched it move. Then I woke up when I awoke, the room was dark, but there was also a dark figure of a person literally standing beside the bed right next to me. It was clearly a human form just standing there. I could tell that my spouse was still in bed next to me. And the figure beside me wasn't as tall as the average adult male would be. I thought maybe I was still dreaming at first, but I was too conscious. You know, my mind was racing and it wasn't like being in a dream state. I reached out to see if anything was actually there. I grabbed on to what looked like. This thing's left arm physically made contact and pulled on it. This thing fell onto the bed right across my lap. I could literally feel the weight of this figure on me. I started to yell out and bolted up right in bed trying to push this thing off of me. My spouse wakes up in a panic, wondering what's wrong. The light comes on and it's gone.