Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
North American (US General American - GenAM)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In the warm waters of Hawaii. A team of researchers are attempting to measure the intelligence of humpback whales. They've set up an experiment where the whales must learn to associate different sounds with specific actions. Their first sound, a low hum that emanates from underwater speakers accompanied by a hoop for the whales to swim through the coast of Maine is a rugged and enchanting landscape where waves crash against ancient rocks and thick woods contain secrets from long ago, charming towns dot the coastline. Their Clabo houses and quaint shops offering a glimpse into a simpler world. The Continental Congress was desperate for a leader who could rally its fledgling army but no candidate had the experience necessary to outwit the mighty British. Then a former colonel from Virginia stepped forward. His name was George Washington. He was exactly what Congress had been looking for now that you've identified the location of your router. It's time to connect it to the broadband source. Start by unplugging your old modem. Then connect the coaxial cable to the new modem's cable import. Next, connect the power supply