Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Quinn Shadko
Not Yet Rated
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Quinn Shadko's :60 commercial voiceover demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US Upper Midwest - Fargo, Minnesota)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Quinn, Chad Co. LG Deflects the world's first curved, flexible smartphone is all about in your face thrills. Any kid can get sick. Not every kid can afford to. When you donate your Children's, every cent is kids spent. No child has turned away, and we all feel better. Some moisturizers act like your ex boyfriend. A little do clingy Northen College, a liberal arts and sciences college with a unique environmental mission. Visit north line dot edu Gerber Generation knows the roots of its fruits and veggies. Do you know where your baby's food comes from? We do Youth Villages believes that no child is a lost cause, not a single one, because a stable, loving family can help any child succeed. Let's talk about something that nobody's talking about your financial security in the course of a day. You're a juggler, a manager, a mediator and a finder of missing shoes. So how do you find time for your own financial security? Hey, if life were perfect, magazines would never smell like perfume. Cats would come when you call them, and algebra would really come in handy.