Rena Loveman Promo VO Demo

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
clients are famous, drama is fierce and there might just be a blowout thing. Sheer madness is about to get really l a hair Tonight, a 10 on Lee on we TV twisted, ruthless, cold blooded brutality of it is incomprehensible. Sometimes love can be fatal. Deadly women Friday at 10 on Investigation Discovery Next Ellen with another word for diva. You guessed it. Madonna joins Ellen every day this week, watching all New Ellen today at four on NBC, a Netflix original series murder. When the stakes are this high, courage takes on new meaning. House of cards streaming now on Netflix, ABC Tuesday They may look like they have a lot in common with a Chinese food on Christmas on. Her parents are super pushing, but sometimes appearances can be deceiving. Fresh off the boat. Tuesday 87 Central on ABC