Narration Demo Reel: Educational, Exciting, Calm, Engaging, 18-35
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Young Adult (18-35)Accents
North American (US General American - GenAM) US African AmericanTranscript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Today, we're learning all about the country of Ecuador. Let's dive in the name Ecuador in Spanish means Equator, which makes sense. When you look at the geography of the country, it is also home to the famous Galapagos Islands. Even though these islands lie 600 miles from the mainland. Small, playful and smart cockatiels aren't just beautiful pets. They're like a fun friend who's always down for a good time and they can sing, sometimes they'll sing bits and pieces of overheard conversation. Other times they'll just make something up either way. They're incredibly entertaining. Her is a multi Grammy award winning R and B artist of a unique style and a ton of talent. But her real name is Gabriella Wilson. So what does her stand for? It stands for having everything revealed as she says, it's all revealed from my music and my message start your meditation by finding a comfortable position, closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing, breathe in deeply through your nose. Now, exhale, if thoughts arise, acknowledge them briefly, then let them pass with every breath, feel your body getting more relaxed until eventually you're completely at peace.