Demo Showcasing My Skills with 5 Different Scripts

Profile photo for William Douglas
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This demo shows the range I can go with my voice acting capabilities. I can do advertisements, E-reads and documentaries. It shows I can be high energy in my reads but also very warm and caring.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's a land amazing land where the further you go to get away closer it brings Make this the summer You discover this fantastic land called Colorado. So let's say you wanna have a good day. No. Ah, great day. Groupon can help Step one. Wake up off to a good start, considering the alternative. This is where really heroes are made. Legends are born and revenge taking. This is soccer. New York City is about to get a taste off Something delicious. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory unwrap a world pure imagination. It's making tennis accessible toe every person with the desire to play USDA making tennis make a difference. Learning exactly how to control your dreams is a crucial part of lucid dreaming. It is not enough to merely recognize when you're dreaming, you must learn the laws of the dream world. This is the really fun part