Voice Acting

How to Find Voice Over Work Online in 2024

Tara Parachuk | December 22, 2023

Man doing voice over work in front of a microphone at a computer.

There has been a surge in demand for talented voice actors who can do voice over work remotely.

In this article

  1. At a Glance
  2. The Growing Demand for Voice Over Work
  3. Freelance Voice Over Work
  4. Essential Skills for Voice Actors
  5. Setting Up a Home Recording Studio
  6. Building a Voice Over Portfolio
  7. How Voice Actors Get Auditions
  8. Be Selective When Auditioning for Voice Over Jobs Online
  9. What to Look for in a Voice Over Job Posting
  10. How to Submit Auditions for Voice Over Jobs Online
  11. 8 Tips for Submitting Great Auditions
  12. Writing a Strong Proposal
  13. Bonus Tip: Ask for the next gig and a referral
  14. Make Your Auditions Stand Out
  15. How to Improve as a Voice Actor
  16. Are You Ready To Get Started?
  17. Launch Your Career in the Voice Acting Industry
  18. Frequently Asked Questions

With just a home studio setup and a talent profile on a voice over marketplace like Voices, you can audition, record your voice, and complete voice over jobs from anywhere. 

We’ll explore the growing demand for voice actors, essential skills, resources, setting up a home studio, building a portfolio, and much more. So let’s dive in and discover the secrets to becoming a successful voice actor!

Start Auditioning Today

Create a profile and get invited to audition for jobs. Over 5,000 jobs posted monthly.

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At a Glance

  • Demand for voice acting has increased, creating job opportunities and requiring key skills such as vocal range & versatility, language proficiency & technical knowledge.
  • Building a portfolio with demo reels & audio samples is essential. Top freelance platforms include Voices, Voice123 etc.
  • Networking and diversifying income streams are important to growing one’s career in the industry.

The Growing Demand for Voice Over Work

In recent years, the voice acting industry has seen a surge in demand, thanks to the proliferation of online content, animation, e-learning, and audiobooks.

From our analysis, we estimate that the global spend on voice overs and audio production is USD $4.4 billion.

This growth in demand presents numerous job opportunities for both remote and freelance voice actors, as well as full-time voice actors. From audiobooks and documentaries to commercials and video games, there’s a wide range of voice acting work available for those who possess the talent and skills, including opportunities for a voice over actor.

With the rise in demand comes the need for a diverse pool of voice actors. Clients are always on the lookout for unique and captivating voices, making it an attractive career option for those with a passion for storytelling and vocal expression. So, if you have a distinctive voice and a flair for acting, now is the perfect time to explore the world of voice acting and embark on an exciting career journey.

Freelance Voice Over Work

Working as a freelance voice actor is akin to running a small business. Like any other entrepreneurial endeavor, it takes talent, time, dedication, grit, ingenuity, and a passion for lifelong learning.

This insider’s look at how the industry operates will guide you through the process of embarking on your career in the voice acting world. In this post, you’ll find answers to the following questions and more:

  • Essential Skills for Voice Actors
  • How do voice actors get auditions?
  • How do I make my audition stand out?
  • How do you do well at a casting call?
  • What makes a great audition? 

Essential Skills for Voice Actors

To thrive in the voice acting industry, it’s essential to master a variety of skills. In the following subsections, we’ll delve into the key areas that every professional voice actor should focus on, ensuring they excel not only in the voice aspect but also in vocal range and versatility, acting abilities, language proficiency, and technical knowledge.

By honing these skills, you’ll be well-prepared to take on diverse voice acting projects and make a lasting impression on potential clients.

Vocal Range and Versatility

Vocal range and versatility play a crucial role in the success of voice actors. The ability to adapt your voice to different roles, genres, and emotions is essential for staying competitive in this ever-evolving industry. By expanding your vocal range and mastering various vocal styles, you become more marketable and increase your chances of landing diverse voice acting jobs.

This versatility is especially important in areas such as animation voice over, where the ability to create distinct character voices and convey a wide range of emotions through your voice is vital. To develop your vocal range and versatility, immerse yourself in various genres, practice different vocal styles, and experiment with different accents and dialects. The more adaptable your voice, the more opportunities you’ll have to shine in the voice acting world.

Acting Abilities

In addition to having a unique and versatile voice, acting abilities are crucial for voice actors. It’s your job to bring scripts to life, infuse emotions into characters, and create engaging performances that captivate audiences. This is particularly important in areas like animation and video game voice acting, where you’ll be responsible for creating audio recordings for characters and working collaboratively with other voice talent.

To improve your acting abilities, consider taking acting classes or working with a voice acting coach. These professionals can help you develop essential skills such as character creation, emotional expression, and comedic timing. Additionally, practice is key – the more you rehearse, the better you’ll become at interpreting scripts and delivering captivating performances for casting directors.

Language Proficiency

Language proficiency is another crucial skill for voice actors. Being fluent in multiple languages, accents, and dialects can significantly expand your potential client base and open up new job opportunities. In an increasingly globalized market, the ability to work on projects in different languages is a valuable asset that sets you apart from other voice actors.

To develop language proficiency, consider taking language classes, listening to native speakers, and practicing with other voice actors. Mastering multiple languages, accents, and dialects not only enhances your marketability but also increases your earning potential. The more languages you can comfortably work in, the more diverse and rewarding your voice acting career will become.

Technical Knowledge

In today’s digital age, technical knowledge is essential for voice actors. This includes setting up and managing a home recording studio, as well as editing and producing high-quality audio samples. A solid understanding of recording equipment and audio recording and editing software is especially important for those working on commercial voice overs.

Investing in high-quality recording equipment, such as a microphone, audio interface, and recording software, is crucial for creating professional-sounding audio samples (known as voice over demos, or demo reels for short). In addition, familiarizing yourself with audio editing techniques and best practices will ensure that your recordings are polished and impressive to potential clients. By mastering these technical skills, you’ll be able to confidently deliver top-notch auditions and deliver broadcast quality voice over work that’s sure to impress your clients.

Setting Up a Home Recording Studio

As a voice actor, having a dedicated space for remote voice over work is essential. Setting up a home recording studio requires a quiet space, a high-quality microphone, audio recording software, and optional soundproofing materials. By investing in the right equipment and creating a suitable environment, you’ll be able to produce professional-quality recordings that impress your clients and help you land voice over jobs.

To get started, select a quiet space in your home that is free from external noise and distractions. This could be a spare room, a walk-in closet, or even a corner of your bedroom. Next, invest in a high-quality microphone, such as a condenser or dynamic mic, and an audio interface to connect it to your computer. Download audio recording software, like Audacity or Adobe Audition, to record and edit your voice over projects.

While not always necessary, soundproofing materials can help improve the acoustics of your recording space and minimize unwanted noise. This can be as simple as hanging heavy curtains, placing foam panels on the walls, or using a portable vocal booth. By setting up a dedicated home recording studio, you’ll be well-equipped to produce high-quality voice over work and build a successful career in the industry.

Building a Voice Over Portfolio

A strong voice over portfolio is the foundation for gaining experience and showcasing your talents to prospective clients. Your portfolio should include a variety of high-quality recordings that demonstrate your vocal range, versatility, and skills.

Making a voice over demo is a very personal, artistic, and technical process. You can go about this on your own, but it is advisable to have your demo professionally produced for you. Your voice over demo can be your ticket to success and often serves as the first impression of your voice that a prospective client will hear.

Creating a dynamic demo reel is an essential component of your voice over portfolio. A demo reel is a compilation of audio clips that showcase your talents and abilities as a voice actor. Aim to keep your demo reel between 55-70 seconds, with each clip running for 10-20 seconds. Incorporate a mix of genres, such as animation, commercial, and narration, to demonstrate your versatility and adaptability in various voice acting projects.

In addition to your demo reel, consider including audio samples from previous voice over projects or pro bono gigs to showcase your experience and skills. These samples can help potential clients better understand the quality of your work and how you can contribute to their projects. By continually updating and refining your voice over portfolio, you’ll increase your chances of landing voice acting jobs and growing your career.

How Voice Actors Get Auditions

Because this profession is like running a small business, your typical voice actor’s hunt for auditions may take as much as one-quarter to one-third of their work time. This includes business-like activities such as:

  • Creating profiles on freelance marketplace
  • Prospecting by sending out emails
  • Attending networking events

Top Freelance Platforms for Voice Over Work

All of these efforts are commonplace activities for freelance voice actors who primarily find their voice over work online.

To find voice acting jobs, it’s essential to know where to look. There are several top freelance platforms specifically designed to search for voice over jobs, offering a range of opportunities for voice actors at different experience levels. The most popular platforms are Voices, Voice123, Fiverr, Upwork, and Bunny Studio

Online marketplaces are a critical component to getting auditions in voice over these days. At Voices, signing up for a guest account and filling out your profile to represent your skill sets is a great way to be found by clients who can then invite you to audition. Or, you can look at other membership levels that send casting calls for gigs that you can start auditioning for without first needing to be found and invited by the client.

By creating profiles on these platforms and actively applying for voice acting jobs, you’ll increase your visibility in the industry and boost your chances of landing projects. Remember to keep your portfolio up-to-date, showcase your best work and regularly engage with both talent agencies and potential clients to maximize your job prospects.

Prospecting by Sending Emails

Consider apprenticing under an established voice actor, or volunteering your talents for charities, nonprofit events, or student projects. As you are building your voice over portfolio, it is important to make the distinction between volunteer work and “giving your voice away for free”—your future colleagues will thank you.

Follow up with prospects who have received your demos or marketing materials when you are pounding the pavement on your own. Do everything you can to keep your name front of mind. You may not receive a response from every person but that shouldn’t deter you from marketing your services. When someone needs your voice, they will get in touch!

Network With Other Voice Actors to Build Your Network

While coaching and training are a great place to start, don’t let your networking activities end there! Look for local Meetups, conferences, and online communities. Not only will you find kindred spirits and moral support, but you’ll also become part of a powerful referral network.

Online forums, discussion groups, and social media outlets like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are also valuable tools for networking and staying informed of job openings. When a fellow voice actor is presented with a job opportunity that they aren’t well-suited for, you can count on these peers to recommend other vocal talent in their network, including you, for said opportunities.

By engaging with other industry professionals, sharing your experiences, and learning from others, you’ll expand your network and increase your chances of finding voice acting jobs.

Find more tips for understanding your voice over business’ marketing mix.

Be Selective When Auditioning for Voice Over Jobs Online

No matter whether you’ve been in the voice acting business for a while or are just starting out, when you’re looking for voice over jobs online, it pays to know both where to look and what to look for.

For instance, when you’re reviewing a voice over job posting, you’ll notice that a variety of criteria are included,  including vocal requirements, artistic direction, and more. The key to determining whether this is the right job for you comes down to how well you know your voice and your brand.

Types of Online Voice Over Jobs

The global voice over industry is more vast than you may think. While you’re likely familiar with voice acting for video games or radio spots, there are several other industries that are ramping up their use of voice over, especially as a means of adapting to our increasingly digital media landscape. 

There have never been more voice over job opportunities for voice actors who work from home. And according to findings from our Trends Report, internet videos, eLearning, and animation voice over jobs have seen the most rapid increase over the past year. In fact, internet video jobs increased by almost 200% year-over-year in 2020.

Now, the 2022 Trends Report affirms the momentum remains. Over the 1100 clients surveyed, 1/3 of people said they hire a voice talent more than 50 times per year.

What to Look for in a Voice Over Job Posting

For the sake of being choosy and pursuing only the voice over gigs that suit your unique set of skills, you’ll want to double-check a few key specifications on the job form, including these six criteria:

  1. Language, accent and dialect
  2. Gender and voice age
  3. Category of work
  4. Deadline
  5. How the client needs the work delivered
  6. Pay rate

Language, Accent, and Dialect

Be honest about the languages, accents, and dialects that you can fluently perform because many clients can distinguish an authentic sound from one that’s not as polished. If you’ve received language training or dialect coaching, indicate your level of fluency or comfort with the required language when submitting your audition and proposal.

Gender and Voice Age

Make sure that the job posting’s requirements reflect your voice and the roles you want to book. To protect your time spent on producing audition demos, and the client’s time reviewing audition demos, make sure you stick to the jobs that represent your vocal gender and voice age. Just as a client will hire a middle-aged voice actor who can convincingly and naturally sound like a child (thinking Bart Simpson here), a client will hire the voice gender they need for a project as well, so long as it convincingly and naturally sounds like the gender they’ve specified in the job description.

Category of work

The different categories of voice over packages can range from radio and television to animation and audiobooks, and even include podcasting, internet video, movie trailers, and more. We mentioned above that honing in on what types of jobs suit your vocal skills the best was a great way to use your auditioning time wisely! If you’re not a long-form audiobook narrator, consider leaving that one for the voice actors who have built their specialty in that area.


Consider when the client has set the audition deadline. If you can’t audition in time, or you’re booked solid when the client needs the voice over recorded, you’ll need to pass on the opportunity. You don’t want to give the impression that you’re available when you aren’t, causing you to come across as unreliable.

How the client needs the work delivered

Ensure that you’re able to deliver the file in a way that works for the client. This may include the audio file format, or even the prospect of taking part in a live directed recording session via ISDN, Source-Connect, or another connective technology.

Pay rate

This may be your deal maker (or breaker). Does the pay line up with the amount of work required? Look for a budget range and compare it with the amount of time it will take you to complete the work. Note that you can quote whatever you choose for any voice over job, but never settle for any rates that you feel aren’t in alignment with what you want to charge.

How to Submit Auditions for Voice Over Jobs Online

In this video, our Content Producer, Randy Rektor, outlines 8 tips for submitting voice over auditions.

8 Tips for Submitting Great Auditions

Bring the energy

Get right to it! Make sure that as soon as the client hits play, they hear your voice connecting with their audience, and no delays or silence in front.

Shorter auditions

When a script is supplied, it’s best not to read the whole thing in your audition. Read for approximately 15 seconds or so, and then move on. Save your time, save your voice, and keep your auditions short!

Bulk process auditions

A time-saving tip, carve out a time of day or full day of the week to complete all of your auditions at once. And then, rest your voice while you keep the productivity train rolling— after the bulk auditioning comes the batch processing of your audio, and that is another great time saver as well.

No slating

Tieing into tip number one, get right to it! The job number, job title, and your name is all information the client can see right next to the play button. Let the job proposal cover that info for you so you can get right to bringing the client’s script to life.

More volume

We’ve seen time and time again that quiet auditions don’t book the gig. Our recommendation is to normalize your audio files to around -1dB.

No watermarking

This especially applies if you’re following our advice about shorter auditions! It’s just one of those things that aren’t necessary to add to your audio files when working with an online marketplace like Voices. If a client ever used your audition audio somewhere, we would go to bat for you!

No music

Adding music is a risk. The client already has an idea in their mind of what they want to hear behind the voice so adding music can distract the client from truly hearing your audition and could move onto the next voice actor. Focus on your vocal delivery instead. It will save you time from surfing stock music websites in your post-production, too.

Audio read = final project expectation

The client believes your audition audio quality and performance to be what the final project would also sound like. So invest the time to make sure your audio quality is as good as it can get and that your performance will be duplicatable after you’re hired!

Writing a Strong Proposal

Along with your audition, you should submit a cover letter — also commonly known as a proposal — which will inform the client why you believe you’re the best candidate for the job. It’s easy to dismiss this step because it doesn’t seem to have much to do with your voice. However, if you pause and recognize that the client can only see a few things when evaluating your submission — your audition, your quote, and your proposal — you’ll realize that it’s one of the three aspects up for consideration.

Learn how to write a clear and compelling proposal (and make use of proposal templates) to wow clients and communicate why you’re the right voice for the job.

Bonus Tip: Ask for the next gig and a referral

After you’ve booked the job and delivered the final files, that’s the absolute best time to ask your client how you can be helpful to them in the future. Strike while the iron is hot!  If you sense that another job isn’t immediately available, at least ask for a referral to one of your client’s colleagues within the organization, by politely throwing out a suggestion like: “Is there anything else at your company that might benefit from my services? I’d welcome the introduction.”

Make Your Auditions Stand Out

If every voice actor is going through similar processes to find auditions, and many auditions are filling the client’s inbox, asking “How do I make my audition stand out” is a valid question! 

There are two primary ways to make your auditions stand out to clients:

Have next-level, totally awesome audio quality 

That means using an effective recording space free of sounds like traffic going by outside, the upstairs neighbor’s laundry machine spin cycle, the air conditioning kicking on and off, and all the other sounds you don’t notice until you’re listening back and hear it underneath your audition read. 

It also means having some audio production skills to:

  • Have proper recording techniques. The sign of high-quality audio is audio that needs very little fixing in the post-production stage.
  • Help you clean up your audio after you’ve recorded if needed. The ability to control and mix multiple sources, remove lip smacks, plosives, sibilance, etc. is key to delivering an audition file with spectacular audio quality, on top of proper recording technique. There are so many ways to make the production process smoother, like through the use of presets in your DAW to help control your levels, plugins to assist with the audio clean-up, and more. Check out those two links for the “how to” on audio quality.

Our in-house Content Producer made this helpful video on training your ear to hear what needs to be edited out after recording.

Be an *Actor

Our community manager Andrew Zuber says, “It’s voice *Acting. Capital ‘A’ on the acting because successful voice actors invest in themselves and develop acting skills through practice and guidance and more practice.” 

You’ll stand out in auditions when you can take the creative brief and interpret it meaningfully. 

What does a client mean when they say, “We want a conversational read,” or, “We’re looking for a pre-teen voice age?” Being able to interpret a script and incorporate the characteristics the client has specified is a great way to stand out in auditions. 

Again, this skill of interpreting a script comes with practice, practice, and more practice. We have a bank of voice over sample scripts, all with unique descriptions built out, so you can try your hand at a variety of roles, styles, and voice ages. 

Once you’ve identified your wheelhouse, stick to it. Which leads us to our next point.

How to Improve as a Voice Actor

Getting the audition is one thing, landing the gig is where a voice actor’s success lies! Here are three more tips that will help you consistently improve:

  1. Take a voice acting class
  2. Practice reading out loud
  3. Practice proper breathing techniques

1. Take a Voice Acting Class

Before you get too far ahead of yourself and buy studio equipment, get some training. When you’re exploring voice acting as a potential career, taking a class or two, or enrolling in voice over coaching can help you to determine whether voice acting is the right business for you.

Sometimes finding voice over work is a matter of experience and training. You can take control of this factor by deepening your training and industry relationships through online learning opportunities. Companies like The Voice Shop provide remote coaching services with industry experts such as Mike George and Steve Tardio. Their classes cover everything from the ‘Fundamentals of Voice Over’, Intermediate and Advanced Classes and even specialized classes about audiobooks, animation, and more.

2. Practice Reading Out Loud

Read out loud often, so that you can feel the copy, hear your voice, and play with the interpretation. Overcome any inhibitions by practicing your reading regularly either on your own, with a teacher, family member, or a trusted friend. Reading out loud also has many unexpected benefits, too.

3. Practice Proper Breathing

Remember to breathe properly. This means being able to control your breath and shape it to create flowing phrases and energetic, articulate performances. Breathing deeply from your diaphragm, breath support, and proper placement can work miracles and keep you conditioned to deliver in top form, even through sickness.

Are You Ready To Get Started?

Some real talk: The freelance professional lifestyle is often held up as an ideal. On the surface, being a freelancer appears to provide an amount of freedom and flexibility that others yearn for.

And while this is certainly true in many instances, what often goes unmentioned is that working in the gig economy means spending far more time looking for employment than traditional employees might suspect.

Launch Your Career in the Voice Acting Industry

You’re now fully equipped with the essential knowledge to start landing voice over work online.

Registering for a Voices talent account is an optimal way to get your name in front of clients, market your talent on a global scale, and most importantly, gain access to our vast job board full of amazing voice acting opportunities. Happy recording!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get into voice over work?

Develop your craft through acting classes and voice coaching, define your voice, record a demo reel, audition consistently, practice every day, and network in the industry to get into voice over work.

By taking acting classes and voice coaching, you can develop your craft and define your voice. Record a demo reel and audition consistently to get your foot in the door. Practicing every day and networking in the industry will help you get into voice over work.

How much do voice over actors make?

Voice acting salaries range from $13,500 to $206,000 per year in the United States, with an average of $30,000 – $106,000 annually.

The amount paid varies greatly depending on experience and talent.

How hard is voice over work?

Voice over work requires talent and hard work, as it can be complex to deliver a performance without physical cues. While it can be done from home, it requires a unique skill set to truly bring a character to life with just the power of the voice.

It is important to understand the nuances of the character and the script, as well as the technical aspects of recording and editing. Voice over artists must be able to take direction and adjust their performance accordingly.

Is voice over work profitable?

Yes, voice over work can be very profitable. Entry-level voice actors can earn around $100-$200 per hour, while more experienced voice actors can earn upwards of $500-$1,000 per hour, with even higher pay possible for projects such as animated feature films or starring roles in animated shorts.

What types of voice acting jobs are available?

Voice acting jobs range from audiobooks and documentaries to commercials movies, video games and virtual reality, offering a wide range of opportunities.

These jobs can be found in a variety of industries, from entertainment to education. Voice actors can work from home or in a studio, and they can be paid per project or on a retainer basis.

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  • Avatar for Vandana Arleen Xavier
    Vandana Arleen Xavier
    June 7, 2019, 4:40 am

    I am interested in giving my voice to the cartoon or animation programmes…I have no idea how to start or who to contact….I can talk like a small baby….and few sounds…

    • Avatar for Jerod
      October 30, 2020, 3:41 pm

      I am intrested in giving my voice in cartoon and animation and programers

      • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
        Oliver Skinner
        November 2, 2020, 9:56 am

        Hi Jerod,

        To get into cartoon voice acting, you can start by signing up for a Voices talent account. When you’re filling out your profile, you’ll then have the opportunity to list cartoons and animation as the category of voice over work that you’re most interested in pursuing.

    • Avatar for Bryan Johnson
      Bryan Johnson
      January 20, 2022, 7:32 pm

      I have been told since I have been an adult I have the Best Announcers voice out there. Plus I can do Many other voices from Smigel/ meat wad too Casey Kasem, to a Very LOW voice, Many accents also. I have no clue how to get into this. So reaching out for some help. If it happens Great! If not it is what it is.

      • Avatar for Niki Clark
        Niki Clark
        January 25, 2022, 8:55 am

        Hi Bryan,

        Take a read through our Beginners Guide to Voice Acting. It covers off everything you need to know to get started and gives you a lay of the land so you know what type of work load you are looking at as well. After that, you will know if this is something you want to pursue!



  • Avatar for Fred Williams
    Fred Williams
    August 1, 2019, 7:28 pm

    I have a rich, natural baritone voice that has been honed by years as an operatic and classical singer.
    My reading skills are amazing and interpreting story line strong.
    I have no idea as to where I might go to break into this specialty field. I did do several voice overs on Spokane on a per job basis in the radio station.

  • Avatar for fred logue
    fred logue
    August 2, 2019, 10:36 am

    How do I get started?

  • Avatar for Eliud
    August 3, 2019, 9:54 am

    Very informative, would wish some mention on how to do the voice recordings through phone.

  • Avatar for Melanie Dotson
    Melanie Dotson
    August 4, 2019, 1:37 pm

    Everyone always tell me I have such A Nice Voice… i would love to see if Anyone would be interested in me yet I dont know where to begin…Please. Could someone reply to me and lead me in the right direction.


  • Avatar for Jestine Caldoza
    Jestine Caldoza
    August 14, 2019, 12:54 am

    I am very interested in doing voice acting but I have no idea where to start. I had a few voice lessons with my late father when I was young but it was enough for me to get picked for an oratorical back in high school. I have a child like to teen voice.

    • Avatar for Lubna
      September 6, 2019, 10:21 am

      Hi Jestine,

      To get started, I’d recommend signing up for a voice talent profile at voices.com/signup and completing your voice actor profile.

      Happy Auditioning!

      – Lubna

  • Avatar for Awais Qarni
    Awais Qarni
    August 18, 2019, 10:50 am

    Very nice field

  • Avatar for Wessam kabil
    Wessam kabil
    September 25, 2019, 4:39 pm


    I am an Arabic female voice over. Are you accepting publishing arabic voice over samples at voices site ?

    • Avatar for Lubna
      September 26, 2019, 3:25 pm

      Hi Wessam,

      Thank you for reading our blog. You can upload your Arabic voice over demo to your Voices.com profile. So, clients looking for Arabic voice overs can hear your demos and potentially hire you for their projects.

      Good luck!

      – Lubna

  • Avatar for Randolph Langford
    Randolph Langford
    December 9, 2019, 12:05 pm

    My name is Randolph, I love doing voiceovers and it a dream to do imitations of Hollywood superstars and heroes alike.

  • Avatar for Jekee
    January 9, 2020, 11:53 am

    My dream is to be the best voice actor

  • Avatar for Jekee
    January 9, 2020, 11:55 am

    My dream is be a best voice actor.But I don’t know how is it possible .But I will work hard for this.

    • Avatar for oliver
      January 15, 2020, 1:21 pm

      Hey Jekee,

      Thanks for your comment. Leafing through the Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting is a worthy starting point as you embark on your voice acting journey!

      Wishing you the best,

  • Avatar for Archana priya
    Archana priya
    March 21, 2020, 5:34 pm

    Hi this is Archana. I’m interested to do work speaking voice job

    • Avatar for oliver
      March 23, 2020, 9:52 am

      Hey Archana,

      You’ve come to the right place! First things first: when you sign up for a Voices account, and you’ll have the opportunity to build a talent profile, browse through job postings, and begin auditioning for the voice over work that most appeals to you.

      I’d encourage you to read up on our membership levels and peruse our Talent Help page. Feel free to contact us for support whenever you need by sending an email to [email protected].

      If you still need some pointers on getting started in the industry, you also ought to pop your head into our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting. It’s jam-packed with useful info for newcomers.

      Happy auditioning!

      • Avatar for sumedha ojale
        sumedha ojale
        November 18, 2021, 6:18 am

        I m ready to give my voice in Marathi language, I have a natural but sweet voice

      • Avatar for Niki Clark
        Niki Clark
        November 23, 2021, 10:32 am


        Sounds good, head over to our sign up page and build out your profile with demos that showcase your voice over talent. You can use these sample scripts for your demo reads. And here is an article on how best to fill out your profile.



  • Avatar for M.K. manju
    M.K. manju
    March 24, 2020, 2:11 am

    I have interested cartoon voices and spiritual things

    • Avatar for oliver
      March 25, 2020, 11:44 am

      Hey M.K.,

      Well, you’ve come to the right place. If you want to pursue your interest in cartoon voices further, I’d recommend signing up for a talent account with Voices!

      You can read up on our membership levels, peruse our Talent Help page, and contact us at any point if any questions arise by sending an email to [email protected].

      If you’re still in need of some pointers after that, pop your head into our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting, where you’re bound to find some useful info.

      Happy auditioning!

  • Avatar for Cody jones
    Cody jones
    March 27, 2020, 1:26 pm

    Hi there my name is cody jones im a 14 yr old high school student and i love video games and i allways wondered hiw to acctualy become a voiceover for video games but unfortunately ive found out im too young to take game voiceover jobs and with my voice i have a casual english accent and i can do some impressions but there not to great although i can change mt voice to the moment like if u want the character to be angry i can do that or even to be joyful i can do that i can do many things like that so if anyone could help me id love it thankyou from cody jones.

    • Avatar for oliver
      April 2, 2020, 10:21 am

      Hey Cody,

      Thanks for your comment! The good news, actually, is that there’s no minimum age you must reach before becoming eligible to be a voice actor. You’re free to start whenever! In fact, there are a number of casting calls on our platform that specifically seek out Teen (aged 13-17) voices.

      To embark on a career as a voice actor, the best place to begin is by signing up for a Voices talent profile. You can read up on our membership levels to identify which option is the best choice for you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send us an email at [email protected].

      If you’re unsure where to get started, you ought to take a look through our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting. It’s jam-packed with illuminating info about getting to know the industry, recording your demos, and how to promote your talents.

      I hope that helps!


  • Avatar for Jayanti Sharma
    Jayanti Sharma
    May 11, 2020, 6:46 am

    Hi ! Myself Jayanti
    I am interested in giving my voice for any of your projects.
    Thanks and Regards

    • Avatar for oliver
      May 19, 2020, 5:14 pm

      Hi Jayanti,

      Thanks for your comment. To start auditioning for voice over work, you should first register for a Voices talent account! From there, you’ll get the opportunity to fill out your profile, get access to our vast job board of voice over casting calls, and post your demo.

      Feel free to check out our Talent Help page, and never hesitate to send us an email with any questions at [email protected].

      If you’re still in need of some tips on cutting your teeth in the industry, our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting is a helpful resource that’s jam-packed with info about the voice over world.

      I hope that helps. Happy recording!

  • Avatar for Neha
    May 16, 2020, 12:36 pm

    I I am interested in giving my voice and have no idea how to start and who to contact for this

    • Avatar for oliver
      May 19, 2020, 4:39 pm

      Hey Neha,

      Thanks for reaching out. To start auditioning for voice over work, you should first register for a Voices talent account! From there, you’ll get the opportunity to fill out your profile, get access to our vast job board of voice over casting calls, and post your demo.

      Feel free to check out our Talent Help page, and never hesitate to send us an email with any questions at [email protected].

      If you’re still in need of some tips on cutting your teeth in the industry, our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting is a helpful resource that’s jam-packed with info about the voice over world.

      I hope that helps. Happy recording, and best of luck on your voice over journey!

    • Avatar for Ishika
      June 7, 2020, 1:41 pm

      Hyy….This is lshika i m extremely excited for voice over….. I love talking, i can talk for hrs and hrs…. This is my passion and i love making different voices ie. Children’s voice, talking in different styles e.t.c…… In free time i always record my voice and also share it with my lovely friends…. This all makes me happie without it i feels my day incomplete ….but the problem is i don’t have any idea how to do voice over job…. This job make me and my family truly happy so i request uh to plss help….thank you?

      • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
        Oliver Skinner
        June 8, 2020, 4:10 pm

        Hey there,

        The best way to begin is by signing up for a Voices talent account. From there, you’ll have the opportunity to fill out your profile, get access to our vast job board of voice over casting calls, and post your demo.

        Feel free to check out our Talent Help page, and never hesitate to send us an email with any questions at [email protected].

        If you’re still in need of some tips on cutting your teeth in the industry, our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting and our YouTube channel are both helpful resources.

        Best of luck,

  • Avatar for Rachel Edwards
    Rachel Edwards
    May 17, 2020, 7:51 pm

    I just want to be given a chance to be a voice actor.

    • Avatar for oliver
      May 19, 2020, 4:43 pm

      Hi Rachel,

      Thanks for your comment. To try your hand at voice acting, you can register for a Voices talent account. From there, you’ll get the opportunity to fill out your profile, get access to our vast job board of voice over casting calls, and post your demo.

      Feel free to check out our Talent Help page, and never hesitate to send us an email with any questions at [email protected].

      If you’re still in need of some tips on cutting your teeth in the industry, our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting is a helpful resource that’s jam-packed with info about the voice over world.

      I hope that helps a bit. Happy recording, and best of luck!

  • Avatar for Rama
    May 26, 2020, 4:31 am

    I am interested to voice recording it is my fashion

  • Avatar for Shaloo
    June 7, 2020, 12:53 pm

    I am interested in working as an voice over actor, pl. Guide me in this regard , where and how to apply

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      June 8, 2020, 3:43 pm

      Hi Shaloo,

      The best way to begin is by signing up for a Voices talent account. From there, you’ll have the opportunity to fill out your profile, get access to our vast job board of voice over casting calls, and post your demo.

      Feel free to check out our Talent Help page, and never hesitate to send us an email with any questions at [email protected].

      If you’re still in need of some tips on cutting your teeth in the industry, our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting and our YouTube channel are both helpful resources.

      Best of luck on your voice over journey!

  • Avatar for Patricia Hawkins
    Patricia Hawkins
    June 19, 2020, 10:44 pm

    Let me try

  • Avatar for Michael Bunnell
    Michael Bunnell
    June 23, 2020, 5:42 pm

    I can’t find any info about the technical aspects: what are the requirements (file type, etc.)?– how is the recording sent?

  • Avatar for Shweta
    June 26, 2020, 2:27 am

    Hi, I have a flexible voice.

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      June 26, 2020, 9:46 am

      Hey Shweta,

      That’s great. A flexible voice can get you far in the world of voice acting.

      When you sign up for a Voices talent account, make sure to list all the vocal styles and roles that you have a knack for performing directly on your profile. That way, when clients are looking to hire actors who can perform with or possess certain vocal characteristics, they’ll be directed to your profile.


  • Avatar for Atreyee Talapatra
    Atreyee Talapatra
    July 16, 2020, 12:41 am

    I have a strong voice and my accent in English is very good with the right accent. I have been doing plays and reading scripts, have been an emcee for a lot of programmes. I want to be a voice over artist. Please help me to get assignments –

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      July 17, 2020, 10:17 am

      Hey there,

      The best place to begin is by signing up for a Voices talent account, building up your online presence, showcasing strong demos on your profile, and then continuing to practice and audition for voice over work that seems best suited to your vocal capabilities.

      You can also better familiarize yourself with the voice over industry and our platform by checking out our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting, as well as our YouTube channel.

  • Avatar for Vandana Narada
    Vandana Narada
    July 20, 2020, 8:58 pm

    Vandana Narada
    I am interested, I have a bold voice, I can talk for soft and arrogant characters. But I have no idea how to get the chance and whom to consult. I can give my voice for warnings giving character also and annoying character too.

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      August 11, 2020, 11:46 am

      Hey Vandana,

      When you sign up for a Voices talent account, you can begin auditioning for voice over jobs that are listed on our platform. Once you’ve made an account, you’ll be able to list the style of voice over performance — like bold or friendly — that you specialize in directly on your profile.


  • Avatar for Jayasree dor.bala
    Jayasree dor.bala
    July 27, 2020, 5:32 am

    Chaala buagundiA

  • Avatar for TANIYA GHOSH
    August 4, 2020, 9:36 pm

    Can We Record, Edit, & Work From Android Mobiles, From Voices.com???? Is There any Separate Software For Anroid Mobiles????

  • Avatar for Inumo Esther Oluronke
    Inumo Esther Oluronke
    August 15, 2020, 4:41 am

    I have an amazing skills in reading but I am an African lady from Nigeria. I wish to get online work in reading. How do I go about getting it?

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      August 18, 2020, 12:01 pm

      Hi Inumo,

      Thanks for reaching out! There are a number of voice actors who are based in Africa and use our site.

      When you’re filling out your profile, you’ll want to list any of the unique vocal capabilities you possess – for example, which languages you speak fluently, and whether or not you speak with an accent. For example, you can list the ability to speak in a West African (Nigerian) accent directly on your profile. That way, clients will have an easier time finding you when they’re seeking your specific vocal qualities for a project.

      You may also want to leaf through our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting when you’re first familiarizing yourself with the platform and this exciting industry, and we also have a YouTube channel packed with videos that should guide you as you set up a profile and get started on Voices.

      I hope that helps! Happy recording,

  • Avatar for Prachi
    August 21, 2020, 6:10 am

    Hiiii.. I am interested in giving my voice for a child and teenage girl and adult lady. I am really interested in this. I love to do this. But i don know how and from where to start.

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      August 24, 2020, 9:52 am


      You may want to start by taking a look at our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting to familiarize yourself with today’s voice over industry, and then following that with our onboarding video series about getting set up with Voices.

      Once you feel ready, you can sign up for a Voices account to begin auditioning for voice over work.

    • Avatar for Margaret Kelley
      Margaret Kelley
      September 20, 2020, 10:54 am

      Hello Oliver! I have always wanted to do voiceovers. My friends tell me that I’m very talented with my voice and that I should pursue it. I can do all levels of voice from high to low. I can sound like a cartoon character. I can go through emotions. I’m 68 years young and I am a call center pharmacy tech. People tell me I have a young voice. My only worry is my age.

      • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
        Oliver Skinner
        September 21, 2020, 10:20 am

        Hello Margaret,

        Thanks for reaching out! First of all, your age won’t hinder you from excelling in the voice over industry. There are a wide variety of voice acting opportunities for talent of all ages and backgrounds on our platform.

        When you sign up for a Voices talent account and begin filling out your profile, my first suggestion would be to list your voice age. This doesn’t have to reflect your actual age, but rather the general age categories that your voice over performances sound like. You can learn more about setting up your profile with our helpful video series.

        Given your background in call center pharmacy tech, you may be interested in seeking out voice over work in the healthcare sector — if so, make sure to highlight this particular expertise on your profile.

        I hope that helps a bit!

  • Avatar for Ajeeta singh
    Ajeeta singh
    September 20, 2020, 3:19 am

    Thanks to Stephanie Ciccarelli for her blog on june 4,2020 for new people in V.O This kind off guidance from the stalwarts of the field help us choose the right direction and not get trapped.

  • Avatar for Monica
    September 26, 2020, 3:54 am

    I want an chance for dubbing to the actress as well for animation films

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      September 30, 2020, 4:42 pm

      Hey Monica,

      When you sign up for a Voices talent account, you can begin auditioning for voice over jobs featured on our platform. When you’re filling out your profile, you’ll have the opportunity to list cartoons and animation as the category of voice over work that you specialize in.

  • Avatar for Jason L Melendez
    Jason L Melendez
    September 27, 2020, 3:40 pm

    I’m very interested in any and all voice over opportunities. I strongly believe I can use my voice to project across various fields of voice over projects given the right opportunity to showcase my skills

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      September 30, 2020, 4:04 pm

      Hi Jason,

      It sounds like you have just the determination you need to get started. When you sign up for a Voices talent account, you can begin auditioning for voice over jobs featured on our platform.

  • Avatar for Alanis Miano
    Alanis Miano
    October 21, 2020, 8:16 pm

    Hello my name is Alanis Miano I’m 23 yrs old and i’m interested in commercial voice overs. I don’t have any experience in this industry but i feel like i have a good voice and thinking about how to use this to maximize my skills

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      October 22, 2020, 9:38 am

      Hi Alanis,

      To get started in the field of commercial voice over, I’d suggest signing up for a Voices talent account. Then, when you’re filling out your profile, you’ll have the opportunity to list the categories of voice over work that most interest you – for example, perhaps you’re interested in voicing internet video ads, or maybe radio spots are more your style.

      To familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of the voice acting industry, check out our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting.

  • Avatar for Sam Goodman
    Sam Goodman
    October 27, 2020, 12:09 pm

    I have no formal training in voice overs but have a lifetime of emulating people and characters that I have found interesting. I have a deep voice that gains attention, and get constant unsolicited remarks from strangers. I have been told my whole life that I should do something with my voice and have talent going to waste. I have worked the same job in sales for 9 years and have decided I want to start building a hobby to possibly build into a career. I do not know where to start and need honest guidance.

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      October 28, 2020, 1:13 pm

      Hi Sam,

      If you’d like to break into the voice over industry, I’d highly recommend checking out our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting. You’re also bound to benefit from listening to some episodes of our podcast Mission Audition, which features professional vocal coaches evaluating a number of auditions for voice over jobs.

      Once you understand the industry and feel ready to get started, I suggest signing up for a Voices talent account. Our YouTube channel has a ton of helpful videos that can guide you through setting up your profile, recording a first-rate demo, and more.

  • Avatar for Arpita Ganguly
    Arpita Ganguly
    November 8, 2020, 9:17 am

    I am a voice over artist looking for freelancing job.I am very expressive. I can bring out the exact emmotion in the projects through my voice

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      November 9, 2020, 11:17 am

      Hey Arpita,

      You’ve come to the right place! To get started with freelance voice over jobs, you can sign up for a Voices account. From there, you’ll have the opportunity to audition for voice over jobs listed on our site.

  • Avatar for Rahamath.H
    November 13, 2020, 2:45 am

    Hi sir/mam.. myself Rahmath. B.ed B.c.a qualified..can sing loudly,romantic, female ,girl voice.I can even dubbed or voice to advertising field, marketing.. very much interested in giving voice to reading skill , high pitch voice, my reading skills makes impressive n amazing. Plz give me a chance in your field.very much preferred in voice in ads n airlines, network communications. Plz help me…

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      November 13, 2020, 10:46 am

      Hi there,

      To start auditoning for freelance voice over work, you should sign up for a Voices account. From there, you’ll have the opportunity to audition for an assortment of voice over jobs listed on our site.

  • Avatar for Shirley
    November 27, 2020, 9:09 pm

    I’m very interested in learning more about voice over, please send me some information on your services.

  • Avatar for Chandni mallick
    Chandni mallick
    December 4, 2020, 6:08 am

    Iam interested in giving my voice to the cartoon or animation programmes…I have no idea how to start or
    from who to contact….I can talk like a small child.and with actractive creations ….
    Everyone always tell me I have such A Nice Voice… i would love to see if Anyone would be interested in me yet I dont know where to begin…Please. Could someone reply to me and lead me in the right direction.

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      December 14, 2020, 11:05 am

      Hi Chandni,

      If you’d like to get into voice acting, you should sign up for a Voices talent account. When you’re filling out your profile, you’ll then have the opportunity to list cartoons and animation as the category of voice over work that most interests you.

  • Avatar for Paige
    December 18, 2020, 11:40 am

    Im looking into voice acting because I find it fun, I’m a girl with a slightly deep, slow (but CAN be fast), calm, and strong voice. I talk fast sometimes however due to my ADHD rambling, Im good at acting, I was in theater when I was in school before COVID. I have a lot of voice actors I look up to, it is my goal to be as good as them 🙂

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      December 28, 2020, 1:29 pm

      Hi Paige,

      The best way to pursue your voice acting career aspirations is by signing up for a Voices talent account! When you’re filling out your profile, you’ll have the opportunity to list all of your vocal qualities, such as strong or calm.

  • Avatar for Brandie Vest
    Brandie Vest
    January 14, 2021, 10:04 pm

    I want to know how can I do my favorite voice impressions of my favorite bad guy

  • Avatar for Sufyan Tanveer
    Sufyan Tanveer
    February 1, 2021, 11:49 am

    Hello. I am interested in giving my audition for the gaming and cartoon voice overs. I can do more than 15 voices in cartoon style. With both high ad low pitch. Looking forward for your response. Thank you!

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      February 2, 2021, 9:59 am

      Hi Sufyan,

      That’s great to hear. Once you sign up for a Voices talent account, you’ll have the opportunity to audition for video game and cartoon VO jobs.

      Happy auditioning!

  • Avatar for Robert Iclef
    Robert Iclef
    April 10, 2021, 9:55 pm

    Hi my name is Robert I have the equipment in the workstation but I need help with making files and mailing them and the kids voices ,accents, and old timer I’ve been practicing I’ve been using for since I was a child so there’s no problem with that area it’s just help with the business end of it ,
    I am best at comedy.
    I just want to make people laugh

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      April 12, 2021, 9:39 am

      Hi Robert,

      It really sounds like you have the expertise and equipment to dive into voice acting. If you’d like to better familiarize yourself with the industry, I’d suggest checking out our Beginner’s Guide. Then, once you’re ready, subscribe to a Voices talent membership and begin auditioning for voice over jobs.

  • Avatar for Prameela
    May 21, 2021, 5:25 am

    I am intrested in giving my voice in audiobooks but I don’t know how it is.

  • Avatar for Vasundra Razdan
    Vasundra Razdan
    May 21, 2021, 6:07 am

    Very useful tis & information.

  • Avatar for zartashiamehwish
    May 23, 2021, 2:59 am

    I want to.work as a vo.artist i.can.give my voice for adds, commercials, radios etc but i dont know the procedure

  • Avatar for Robert
    June 1, 2021, 7:36 am

    I’m Interested in Using my voice to make money

  • Avatar for Stephanie Anne Mace
    Stephanie Anne Mace
    June 6, 2021, 10:24 am

    Yeah I am very interested in acting, voice over I love it! and singing and dancing.

  • Avatar for Kiron Roy
    Kiron Roy
    June 24, 2021, 7:04 am

    Hello, I’m Kiron and I’m really interested in the voice artist work, but I don’t know where to apply.

  • Avatar for NUEL BENFORD
    July 15, 2021, 1:21 am

    Hi, lm Nuel Benford while in the Marine Corps for over 20 years I taught communications and electronics. Also while in the Marines I established which I would consider an excellent to outstanding speaking voice. Upon retirement I went to college and took classes in speech communication and read essays in front of
    my speech class, I was also recommended to join the speech forensic team by my speech instructor. I like to know how land a voice over position/job Former Marine Nuel B . Benford

  • Avatar for Ajay
    September 9, 2021, 8:06 am

    Need British accent female voiceover artist based in delhi

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      September 9, 2021, 8:39 am

      Hi Ajay!

      We have a pretty comprehensive database of voiceover artists and can help you find what you need. You can start your search for a British voice based in Delhi by signing up for an account on Voices and then working with an account manager to help you locate the voiceover artist you need for your project.

      Best of luck,


  • Avatar for ESTHER OJI
    September 21, 2021, 7:04 am

    Hi, I have an amazing skills in reading but I am an African lady from Nigeria. I wish to get an online voice over artist work. How do I go it?

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      September 21, 2021, 9:21 am

      Hi Esther!

      The beauty of online marketplaces and remote work is that, yes, you can sign up as a voice over artist. Voice over work is equal parts creative, skill, and persistence!
      We’d love to get you started. Take a read through our getting started guide to get a feel for what is needed to become a successful voice over artist.



  • Avatar for Vijay Kumar
    Vijay Kumar
    October 9, 2021, 10:16 am

    I m voice over artist in Delhi mimicry .as we singing ?
    Need ur support

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      October 12, 2021, 8:29 am

      Welcome Vijay!

      You can get started by creating a Voices Account and setting up your profile to reflect your voice over and singing skill sets. Make sure to upload some demos of yourself so clients can hear you! I’ll share our getting started guide with you as well. It covers everything you need to know about getting yourself set up as a freelance voice artist.



  • Avatar for Jolina M. Guevarra
    Jolina M. Guevarra
    November 5, 2021, 1:03 am

    I’m an apsiring voice over actor also job seeker on the said matter. Badly want to improve my skills. Willing to learn and a lot more.

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      November 9, 2021, 8:45 am

      Hi Jolina!

      You’re in the right place. Our blog has plenty of resources for you to use and improve your skills. I would start with the sample scripts. Practice reading them out loud and record yourself so you can listen back on what you sound like and re-record with your improvements!

      Subscribe to the blog to get a weekly roundup of articles packed with more helpful tips and tricks.

      Thanks for your comment,


  • Avatar for Olowo Goodness
    Olowo Goodness
    November 30, 2021, 2:49 am

    I am also interested in giving my voice to the cartoons and to do charity

  • Avatar for Chantal Ramathula
    Chantal Ramathula
    January 12, 2022, 3:26 pm

    How do I get started

  • Avatar for Lubega Godfrey
    Lubega Godfrey
    February 7, 2022, 10:39 pm

    For over years,people whenever I speak jokingly,sing or participate in any act of talking people would not fail to mention,” you have aunique voice and you can do very many things with it”.I have always doubted that for years till now when afriend was in full absession with my voice to find a place in voice over trend.I didn’t know about it but this forced me to research daily about this and this information has boosted my self esteem to do something with my voice.Now I really desire to engage in this job but how to start is the problem for see my self lacking in whatever it takes pliz anyone be of help to me on how to do.

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      February 8, 2022, 9:22 am

      Hi Lubega,

      It sounds like you’re ready to dive on in! A great place to start is by reading through our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting. It’s quite thorough and will help you understand the steps to take in getting started. It will outline what equipment you need, how to fill out a profile on Voices, how to get voice over training, and so much more!

      Best of luck,


  • Avatar for KAPIL SHARMA
    February 19, 2022, 11:34 pm

    Hi, I am Kapil Sharma and interested in voice over acting in movies. Now a days there are multiple movies getting dubbed in Hindi, being it other Indian languages or foreign language. I don’t have experience in this industry but I have done plays during my school days. Kindly help me to understand how can I go about it?
    Secondly, is it possible to start a new beginning at the age of 43. I have love for the showbiz since my childhood but could not pursue the same due to many personal reasons.
    Looking forward to hear from you.
    Thanks & Regards
    Kapil Sharma

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      February 22, 2022, 8:44 am

      Hello Kapil,

      You’re right! Translation and dubbing is huge right now. Before you can offer these skills to producers, you need to learn how dubbing works. We have a few resources that will help you get some foundational knowledge of the dubbing industry:
      Dubbing for International Markets
      How Entertainment One Hired Dubbing Artists for Their Children’s Show

      One of the nuances of dubbing is that the translation needs to be both accurate and closely match the on-screen actor’s lip movements. It’s an art, for sure!
      After you learn a bit more about what is involved in providing dubbing services, sign up for an account on Voices to start finding work!

      Secondly, you can absolutely start this career path at your age. We have many voice actors join the platform and become full time voice actors after 25+ years in other careers. That sort of transition is becoming more and more common in all industries I believe.

      Hope that helps!



  • Avatar for Ted Mulvehill
    Ted Mulvehill
    April 16, 2022, 11:46 pm

    Wow, extremely helpful to a rookie like me. I have a lot of work to do.

    • Avatar for Ted Mulvehill
      Ted Mulvehill
      April 16, 2022, 11:47 pm

      Thank you

  • Avatar for Kimberly McCoy
    Kimberly McCoy
    August 11, 2022, 8:09 am

    I have a paced, friendly mid-range female voice with a slight SE US affect. I can modulate that to be neutral or direct it in several US regional diction styles with subtlety or intensity. I can modulate to a range of emotion, warmer or cooler inflection, with a deeper timbre or a lighter breathy quality, depending on the tone needed for the tasked material. Is there work for me? What are my first steps?

  • Avatar for Arnab Mandal
    Arnab Mandal
    October 15, 2022, 12:15 am

    I’m really interested

  • Avatar for Joshua Wolford
    Joshua Wolford
    October 25, 2022, 4:27 pm

    Wow, really great article for someone like me who feels like they’re jumping into the deep end with voice work. Definitely encouraging and gives a lot of practical steps to take.

    Thank You!!!!!

  • Avatar for Maria Bass West
    Maria Bass West
    December 8, 2022, 4:07 pm

    I’m looking forward to working in this field.

  • Avatar for Steve gall
    Steve gall
    January 15, 2023, 5:08 am

    Hi, I have a very deep voice, are there any ways for free to get connected with people to hear me?

  • Avatar for Rico Kaplan
    Rico Kaplan
    January 19, 2023, 4:31 pm

    Great material. Thanks. I’m a 70 year old retired fellow. Raised in Italy and in the Bronx. Back in the day I was the “on call” Italian voice for a company called XO Communications. They called me for jobs about two or three times a month. I was given an English script, I translated it into Italian, and then they put me in a booth where I recorded the recordings. I was the voice on thousands of credic cards, bank cards, and other such projects. I loved it and so they did. They moved from Portland and that gig ended. I also did one on one interpretation/translation work.
    Now that I’m retired, I would love to put my voice to work. I have a unique Bronx/Italian accent, I’m fluent in Italian and Spanish, and I have a “radio” voice many people told me after hearing me on the radio when I did some radio work once a month to sub for a good friend of mine. Suggestions? I think if I put together some sort of promo package and sent it out, I would get regular gigs. I look forward to hearing from you. Mille grazie.

  • Avatar for Carlita Wilds
    Carlita Wilds
    February 10, 2023, 2:37 pm


    I am looking to secure a position (s) for voice over jobs in commercials and/or be the voice on the company’s automated telephone system. I have a very nice precise, professional and courteous voice. I have been told for many years that I have a very distinct as well as sensuous tone to my voice.

  • Avatar for Zunaira
    March 15, 2023, 1:55 am

    I done my registration but I don’t what to do?
    How I get job? How to start ?

  • Avatar for davis lundrigan
    davis lundrigan
    March 21, 2023, 8:59 am

    I would like to upgrade my membership. I’m wondering if there is a discount code to start.

  • Avatar for William Lewis
    William Lewis
    May 13, 2023, 2:25 pm

    I can do this!!!!!

  • Avatar for Manaswi Dinesh Pate
    Manaswi Dinesh Pate
    May 15, 2023, 1:03 am

    I am interested in giving my voice to animation and cartoon as well as movies

  • Avatar for Shirley
    May 18, 2023, 11:32 am

    Hello , i have been told lots of times that i have big voice that is above me because i am small in build, i am interested in doing Voice Over training

  • Avatar for Irene Elisabeth Kearney
    Irene Elisabeth Kearney
    May 29, 2023, 10:45 am

    I am a mature female with a lot of experience in Acting and Directing in Theatre ,I have a good voice that lends itself to comedy ,classics I am quite good at dialects,especially Liverpool born and bred I have travelled the country including Shetland with Theatre companys in lots of roles( Oh what a lovely war Greek tragedy and all that comes between) also I have qualifications from LAMDA. for Acting and poetry reading..voice over I think would be ideal for me especially, audiobooks.Regards Irene Kearney.

  • Avatar for Carissa
    May 31, 2023, 2:33 pm

    I’m interested

  • Avatar for Lydia White
    Lydia White
    August 13, 2023, 12:10 pm

    I am interested in doing voice overs, this is my dream.

  • Avatar for Fatima Afzaal
    Fatima Afzaal
    September 9, 2023, 10:50 am

    I m interested to led my voice for online ads and also in animation programs or cartoons i have no idea how can i started work

  • Avatar for Fatima Afzaal
    Fatima Afzaal
    September 9, 2023, 10:56 am

    how i can work on voices. com

  • Avatar for Ray Surratt
    Ray Surratt
    September 19, 2023, 10:32 am

    I have 20 plus years as a call center rep on various dept ranging from tech support, billing , member retention , pharmacy and the list goes on. Every since I’ve been in the call center industry I’ve often received compliments on my voice and have been told over and over that I am wasting my life in call centers. So I’ve decided to dive all the way into seeking employment or CAREER in voice acting. Be radio personality or voice acting , I’m all in at this point. If anyone reading this can help point me in the right direction I welcome the help.

  • Avatar for Scott Frazer
    Scott Frazer
    December 26, 2023, 5:41 pm

    I am interested in voice over work doing audio books, commercials, and cartoons and any other possibilities. I’m a singer/songwriter with a great vocal range already equipped with a home studio and want to find other ways to utilize my voice!

  • Avatar for Dave Newsom
    Dave Newsom
    December 31, 2023, 9:45 pm

    I’m interested in voice over work . Maybe reading commercials. Friends tell me my Bass Voice would be wonderful for such work.

  • Avatar for Jennifer Wammock
    Jennifer Wammock
    January 18, 2024, 3:04 pm

    I am from South Carolina and want to start voice acting. I’ve always loved the idea of acting but too shy to do anything live action. I’m a beginner so I don’t know what my strengths are. Would love to be in a cartoon. I have a six year old son, so mommy being a voice in a cartoon would be awesome.

    • Avatar for Tara Parachuk
      Tara Parachuk
      January 29, 2024, 2:34 pm

      We’re cheering you on!

  • Avatar for Rafael N Froeder
    Rafael N Froeder
    April 13, 2024, 6:05 pm

    I just feel like I have a Calling for this , u Sing a lot and I Love to Read with Emotion …

    Anyone knows how to connect me to the where they can make this happen ?Highly Appreciate !!!

  • Avatar for Swapna
    April 15, 2024, 2:17 pm

    Hi..I am so much interested voice jobs..but I don’t know how to start and reach that way…. compulsory i want job…so that’s why give any voice jobs are there…so tell me…

  • Avatar for Yuri Xiao
    Yuri Xiao'er
    May 22, 2024, 6:09 pm

    Hi! I want to apply for voice acting job…. I know how to change voices and pretty much good at english and I know how to act.
