Commercial Demo 2013

Television Ad


TV/Radio Commercial Demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ralph Lauren presents a new team of fragrances real in a great deal with two delicious filet a fish sandwiches for just $3. That's two filet fish sandwiches for only three bucks at McDonald's to know from childhood way. Explore the universe toe. Learn more about ourselves. That's why ST Louis Children first and only prescription emergency contraceptive that delays ovulation for five days L. A. Has the power to keep, so another year has almost coming gone. And not that you won't have anything to remember it by because if you're like me, those extra £20 on the hips and thighs are more than a gentle reminder. Thank you very much. Walking your dog is a great way to get in more steps. You might just want to stick with one at a time if you want about the eyes giver. Chocolate 3 60 Double chocolate flavored vodka