Male, English with Eurasian Accent, eLearning

Profile photo for Alex E. Taylor
Not Yet Rated


Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Eastern European (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If a claimants, monetary and monetary eligibility are not under review benefits are either allowed or denied depending on if the claimant met the eligibility requirements or not. If there is some question as to whether the claimant is eligible for UI benefits, That eligibility issue is flagged for further review by the adjudication unit. If a claimants, monetary and non monetary eligibility are not under review benefits are either allowed or denied depending on if the claimant met the eligibility requirements or not. If there is some question as to whether the claimant is eligible for UI benefits, that eligibility issue is flagged for further review by the education unit. An issue can be flagged by the system or by a UI staff member at any point during the lifecycle of a claim. The first thing an ad adjudicator does upon receiving a flag issue is to review the claim and any data gathered during and since claims intake next, The adjudicator develops a plan for gathering any further facts needed to make an accurate determination. The plan identifies any documentation needed, as well as a list of questions to ask the relevant parties with a plan in place, the adjudicator begins the fact finding process, fact finding continues until the adjudicator has sufficient data to make a determination based on an objective review of the issue and state UI law. If there is not sufficient data to resolve the flag issue, the fact finding efforts continue and may include rebuttal interviews with the claimant and possibly the employer. If there is contradictory or conflicting evidence. Sometimes an adjudicator may have difficulty gathering information. For example, an employer may be unresponsive after the adjudicator makes a reasonable attempt to gather the information, including any necessary rebuttals, and determination can be made based on the available information. Finally, the adjudicator prepares and disseminates the written determination, which is the primary outfit of adjudication based on a determination, benefits are allowed or denied. Parties to the issue are given appeal rights if they disagree with the written determination.