English wildlife and ancient civilization documentary style demos

Profile photo for Brian Wiechel
Not Yet Rated


After doing some research on each of the demo topics, I wrote a short script for what I would expect to hear from a documentary of each topic and then read it as if doing an audition for each.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Along the beaches of Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Many sharks are seen as a threat to humans with many beaches, deploying lookout towers, bells and sirens or even nets to try to prevent any attacks. However, even with all of this in place, shark attacks are still relatively high off the coast of Australia, feudal Japan an age of warriors and the idea of military might dictate who would rule this age called the Warring States. Period, mid 14 hundreds ce to mid 1500 ce would see the rise of the scio creed also known as the way of the warrior in which Samurai would live and die in service of their lords, the King Cobra, Nature's largest friendless snake is capable of reaching a length of 18 ft. Despite its appearance, the King Cobra will more often than not try to avoid humans and will only attack if cornered or to protect its nest. Although its veins are only 0.5 inches, it packs a powerful neurotoxin that could kill an elephant. Ancient Egypt was a civilization unlike any other in the Mediterranean and existed for nearly 30 centuries. It is during this period that we can find the creation of the pyramids of the Old Kingdom and learn about the military conquest of the New Kingdom.