Video Ad Narration, Faith-based
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As Christians, we're called to seek the welfare of our communities and to love our neighbors as ourselves. For Christians in America who have the ability to cast a vote to decide the direction of our nation. We should be advocates for a state where Children are safe businesses thrive and families are built up. We should be a vote for the voiceless but imagine a different path for Ohio. One where women and Children are exploited and chaos is sown by radical ideologies. This is the choice before voters in Ohio. Now from October 11th through November 7th, Ohioans will vote on two dangerous ballot initiatives that could dramatically reshape our state issue. One would legalize abortion all the way up until birth and issue two would legalize and commercialize recreational marijuana proponents of these ballot issues are distracting and distorting the true impact of their proposals. In reality, these proposals are more extreme than, you know.