
Demo 1


Demo 2


Demo 3


Package Details

As a business owner, your first contact with customers is the most important first impression you can make.

With my professional voicemail greeting and phone menu service, it would be an honor to represent your business as your client's first touchpoint.

Increase traffic to your phone line with professional customer service options! Decrease hang-ups, and get more solid voicemail leads with a pro phone greeting that displays your company's kindness and dedication to client satisfaction.

Walk your customers through an easy, comfortable phone menu which quickly gets results for you and your client!

Simply estimate the amount of words you'd like me to read, and click the "buy now" button on the right side to get started! You'll be on your way to a professional voice mail greeting within moments.

You'll receive a friendly, conversational, and real sounding receptionist which will immediately put your IVR customers at ease!

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Reviews (14)


Very Professional

5 people said Lea was a professional from start to finish.

Fast Turnaround Time

2 people said Lea provided files faster than they expected.

Great Communicator

1 person said Lea communicated clearly and quickly.

Profile photo for

Abdulrahman AlGadi

Jan 26, 2023

Lea was an amazing freelancer. She was always open to help and edit the script, she delivered what she promised and has a great talent with voices. I would hire her everytime if I needed!

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Profile photo for


Mar 4, 2021
Profile photo for

ReLevel Media

Feb 3, 2021




Number of Words Up to 100
Delivery Days 24hr
Number of Revisions 1
Non-Broadcast License
High Quality Audio File
Split Files (Up to 10)