Character Demo

Profile photo for Mardia RY
Not Yet Rated


Created various character voices including a robot, an online website cartoon, urban, evil and sinister, nerdy, southern dialect, etc.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi kids. I'm mopping the donkey and I'm here to help guide you through this program anytime you have a question, just place your cursor on the help me button and click the mouth. If you want me to repeat something, click the go back button now to begin, click start and me and my pals will show you around. My maker instructed me to assist you in your experiments, but I am not programmed to help you with your date night. You are a pathetic loser who still has his mommy pick out his clothes. My algorithms tell me the odds of you getting laid are one moment please still calculating this may take a while bow before me, millions. I am a growth queen of all the universe. I am. I alone am the most powerful, most terrible of all the gods in this dimension. Worship me now. My name is cassandra. I'm a Virgo. If a guy is a scrub, he ain't got a chance with me honey, but I do that for a man in a suit and tie and six ft tall. Exactly. Okay. Not 5 11, not 616 ft and dressed fart. Okay. Hello there. How are you? We here at the squid research lab are doing wonderful. Uh it's our job to present research on the ecological curiosities of this fascinating squid creature. Like how, how their hair like tentacles seem to change colors automatically in combat situations. Kind of like now. Oh my Oh this is not good. Not good at all. Security, Mommy