Audiobook: Nonfiction



Audiobook: Nonfiction

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
excerpt from Skinwalkers at the Pentagon Chapter one, July 2009. There are some things in this world that go way beyond human understanding, things that cannot be explained, things that most people don't want to know about. And that's where we come in. Quote from Bill Murray in Ghostbusters two. The sun had almost completely set behind skin Walker Ridge as a three comrades set off on their walk towards the west end of the ranch. They were in high spirits as they sauntered along the dusty trail, joking about some of their past missions and reminiscing about what had brought them to the strange place they had flown from the East Coast the previous day in Moron Skin Rocker Ranch in Utah, the invitation of Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies, or Bass. All three were seasoned warriors who had spent time in the war torn reaches of Afghanistan and Iraq. Jonathan Axelrod was the acknowledged leader of the trio, a senior aerospace engineer in naval intelligence. His career had already spanned an upward trajectory, and his calm demeanor and infectious sense of humor enabled him to move easily in Pentagon circles. That same year, 2000 and nine. Axelrod was also the lead investigator of the now infamous Ticktock case that embroiled the Nimitz Aircraft Striker group in a series of cat and mouse high stakes games off the coast of San Diego. A few years previously, the so called tick tock had outmaneuvered and outperformed multiple F A 18 Hornets, leaving these top gunfighters from the Nimitz in the dust. Axelrod had personally interviewed all of the pilots involved in the incident, as well as several radar operators on the USS Princeton and others on the USS Nimitz itself.