Robert Neumark Jones - Videogame Demo



Professional voice over demo by Robert Neumark Jones hosted by

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Allo, Korvo. Your life has taken a turn as it not. The Empress is dead. Their precious daughter, Emily has lost somewhere in the city. And you will play a pivotal role in the days to come. My sister Laura is bigger than me. Eye lifts me up quite easily. I can't lift her. I've tried and tried. She must have something heavy inside. This particular squid can in fact transform into a humanoid in script form. They can dive into and become one with the ink. While in humanoid form they can utilise various tools to cover turf. Well, we have officially named this breed of squid. The inkling we prefer to just call them squids. Peace is a lie, Ally. Through passion, I gain strength through strength. I gained power through power. Have victory. Victory! My chains are broken. Force shall free me. I have settled throughout the world and used its resources to look after my people. I have created law by which people are safe on homes by which they're dry. I have pioneered systems of commerce and exchange and the world is envious. I have united all peoples. I have the marching to the same drum. I have facilitated everything