Boolean Commercial (informative, educational, conversational)

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Coding commercial

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
take a second to really look around. The world is made up of so many invisible parts, from atoms to bits, from data to networks all around you, there's a hidden code that makes everything work, as if by magic. The real magic, though, is writing this code. Just think of all the amazing things, be they big or small, that can be achieved simply by pressing. Enter. Think of the people coding complex systems and running scientific experiments in the cloud or the ones breathing life into out of this world. Artificial intelligence. Everything they do you can do to, just as you can build the website for your best friends business. Finally, create the game you've always dreamed of, or trace unique data patterns. The sky's the limit. You can uncover new worlds. You can create connections. You can render the impossible possible. So go ahead and aim higher. Learn to code with bullion