Brad Grochowski's Commercial Demo

Television Ad


A sampling of my commercial voice over abilities

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in the defining era of technology, Why fall behind our new iphone 12 comes with a super retina XDR display in an A. 14 processor. Put yourself at the forefront of technology by the most powerful iphone yet you should be proud to own your car. So why choose anything but luxury with the all new BMW seven series, you get your classic car with a touch of luxury at Starbucks. We have it all the pumpkin, spice latte for molly Sarah's macho cappuccino and even Casper's honey comb. Macchiato, whatever your coffee. We've got your back with walmart, we always put our customers first so you can shop the products you love for half the price. And with our exclusive rewards points scheme, you get rewarded for your loyalty tomorrow. Is that super important birthday party that you definitely should have remembered. But don't worry, you have amazon prime when our clients invest in us, we invest in keeping them safe. Bank of America, helping make financial lives better.