Offshore Wind at Mammoet: Always Breaking New Ground

Profile photo for David Brewer
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VO for Mammoet Company - Helping make the energy transition possible. Always Breaking New Ground

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Throughout human history, the sea has empowered people's lives as a source of food, a way to trade or a place to unwind. But its greatest gift is yet to come clean, sustainable energy from offshore wind. Over decades we've watched wind farms grow taller larger and move further from the coast. The route to first power was once just a day at the key side, but now involves thousands of skilled people spanning different cultures, languages and continents. Throughout its history, Mahmoud has found new ways to put large objects in the water faster, safer and more cost effectively, whether that's delivering items safely, deport, marshaling them efficiently on the key side or lifting some of the heaviest objects ever transferred between land and sea. To meet emissions targets, we must get these giant structures into the water faster than ever before. And as next generation 15 to 20 Megawatt turbines grow beyond 150 m handling these structures and the foundations that support them will be our greatest challenge with the world's largest collection of heavy lifting equipment and expertise. We are proud to enable the energy transition offshore. No matter how heavy, high or remote, we're always breaking new ground