Gaming Characters



A montage of clips highlighting narration and character voices for video games. A variety of ages and accents depicted.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
after the destruction of Arcadia, three sea monsters appeared. One of them was ocean horn. It is a vile creature born under the dark burning light of trials. Thistles! Blue on blue! I'm being lit up here. Covering fire now! God damn it now, huh? Come here. Wait for the inevitable way. Stroll through the shop's inventory and locate Turbo boost. This caffeinated Jordan speed will set you back on a coin but in yours by simply clicking. Why? No. My name is Sherlock Cat. I'm the chief investigator in the cat world and I've been called to the scene of an impending disaster. Cat Christmas has been canceled. Forest has many stories to tell of ancient ages. Let me show you the way. Fire. Good. Me feel pretty dish skirt. Straightforward and lacking nonsense. I like this. My name is well, O'Dea. You will steal some military items for me.