MOM PERSONAL ASSISTANT - Humor, Religious, Middle Age

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MOM PERSONAL ASSISTANT - Humor, Religious, Middle Age

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, it's finally happened. You've moved out. You're on your own. Congratulations. But everyone still needs a little help sometimes mom, have you seen my wallet? It's in your back pocket. No, I checked there. Your other back pocket. Dear Thanks Mom introducing the mom personal assistant. The only smart speaker device with all the wisdom, caring and sage advice of a mother. Mom. Please call brad honey. I'm just not sure he's right for you. Just call him. Ok? Calling Ryan. No mom, I said call brad. Trust me the mom pa always has your best interest in mind. Wish me luck mom big interview today. Did you eat breakfast? Is that what you're wearing? Wait, what did you even shower? She's there to provide a helping hand whenever you need it. Mom set a timer for 40 minutes. Mom, the mom personal assistant won't function until you say the magic word. Oh right mom, please set a timer for 40 minutes. Sure thing, hon but it's only 30 minutes for that dish. The mom pa is always correct and basically knows everything. Mom. What setting should I use for this laundry mom, do you think I should color my hair? Hey mom, can you please order mac and cheese? You still have two boxes. What? No, we're out. Did you look? Yeah, I just looked, it's gone. Do you want me to look? No, no, it's okay. I'll go look again. Try looking with your eyes this time based on God's perfect design. The mom personal assistant is thoughtful, kind, encouraging and supportive. You are beautiful. It's okay. You're going to get through this. I am so proud of you. You can change the world, but right now, hon you really need to change your socks because they smell like a dumpster. Mom. The mom personal assistant always helpful, always reliable and always there for you.