Demo of Television Commercials: Signature Voice

Television Ad


Often described as “sophisticated” and “sexy,” Nick Smith’s signature voice instantly captures your listeners’ attention as it brings credibility to whatever message you need delivered. Here is a voice that is smooth, attractive, and calming.

Other adjectives that describe his sound include:
Provocative, hot, racy, sexy, playful, stimulating, evocative, sensual, erotic, romantic, tantalizing, adult content, the very sexy voiceover, natural, believable, sophisticated, classy, smooth, British Jaguar commercial, warm, friendly, casual, smooth, easygoing, sincere, believable, amusing, animated, conversational, professional, elegant, thoughtful, uplifting, gentle, genuine, honest, informative, intelligent, mature, polished, powerful, professional, pure, real, refined, refreshing, relevant, reliable, seasoned, smart, smooth, soothing, strong, stylish, talented, trendy, trustworthy, upbeat, versatile.

Standard British, UK, Posh, Upper Class, Proper, RP (Received Pronunciation), Queens English, BBC English, King's English, Oxford English.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
life has this spectacular way of happening thie Jaguar s type art performance, introducing gourmet coffee that feels as good as it tastes. It's cool, sincere. It's quite a sensation. Drinking vodka with zero cops means a crisp clean start to your night. When you go from there, that's up to you. Beautiful, intuitive New Samsung soul Thie only phone with magical touch window mountains of crumbled glaciers have melted. Diamonds have remained the same. Clearly, Mother Nature is a romantic retirement as we know it will soon be retired. How do we wear our Leone's life the best at next?