Character Voices

Profile photo for Glen Lloyd
Acheivement Badges Superstar


A wide variety of character voices to choose from for your toy, cartoon, game, podcast or other children's material.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
come just a little bit closer. Don't worry. Why won't bite you? But I might ate you. Hey made me buy the old shed at the back of Jim's house at 10 pm I've got a secret and I want to share it with you. But you have to promise not to tell anyone. Okay? Fear not, child, For I possess the power to banish the evil monkeys who dare to trespass in my fantastical kingdom. Now where did I put my magic wand? Wow, that was amazing. Did you see how fast that car went? One day I want to drive a car just like that. But where am I going to get the money for a fast cat? Hello And welcome back to the colourful cartoon programme. Coming right up. We have some new storeys from Bunny Hoppy. And what kind of mischief will the kids get up to? Internal Town? Can you throw a javelin? Watch me throw? Yeah. All right, Daddy, Meat is **** if I can. You throw the javelin, give it a try. Be careful when you're running. You don't want the javelin to touch the ground. Well done, partner. You've just earned yourself a gold medal. Now let's take a victory lap around the farm on your new horse. She's waiting for you at the end of this path. Are you hiding something from me? Spit it out or I will have to squeeze it out of you with my new invention. The squeeze. Mustard. 5000. Is that what you want? Good. Now spill it. What are you looking at? You want to start a fight? Come here and say that, you little punk. We'll knock you out faster than you can say. Ouch! My face. Go on, Run home to your mother. Oh, I can't find the keys. I'm gonna be late for work. He's always happens to me when I'm in a rush. I can't find anything in my room because it's such a mess. And what's that smell? I don't even now anymore. Hello? And welcome back to the M. C J. What a marvellous state is for cricket. Sun's out, ladies. Aeryn, they're lovely sundresses, and I think this trial is going to play a brilliant time today. What is this crap Junk? Supposed todo si. You've been paying close attention. Mostly, you see, before its powerful rays consumed the free will of every civilian in trim. Obeah. I'm going to walk you over the head with my family. I never gonna see my family again. Pull yourself together, kid. Remember, you're in often. You got nobody out there anyway, right? Besides, I got a plan to get us out of here. Hi, I'm Keiko. Come with Mei. Let's have an adventure. Wonder Face is smooth as a baby's **** streak without burning a hole in your pocket. My name is Gerald. I've been a patient here for a week and the service is fantastic. In a world. A retired cop must go undercover to save the city. I've got an extra grind. Only the strongest will survive. We're coming to save the day. George. You don't stand a chance. Playtime. I love my walk. Please teach me. There's still so much I have to learn much to learn. How much is enough for you? You know this. This isn't a place you should be. Come on. This is dangerous stuff, Ms Plum. I've never needed any advice to get what I want. Now move aside. You're weak yet your struggle to change the future. You are already part off. Come on. Ah! Okay. All right. Woo hoo! Yes. Or you are willing to adapt and go with the flow on. Definitely the controller. I'm the same as Dexter. I'm willing to adapt. I'm like Charles. I would prefer to adapt to keep the peace. Make sure you understand the job you are performing When the using machinery makes your maintenance has completed set up and equipment is ready for save use.