Game Launch, Sir D Habershamm Smythe... Demo


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
log of Sir D. Habersham Smyth. The beyond has beena mystery to society for generations Now I have taken it upon myself, Sardi Haversham Smyth noted explorer and man of action to lead an expedition to the heart of this mysterious place that has vexed reputable scientists for ages. I have Bean told by many that quote logic. Physics on DH Common sense Don't apply in the beyond. You will die. Don't go. You must be an idiot. I have received warnings detailing one planet that is actually alive. Not in a universal spirit kind of way, but literally a nightmare monster pretending to be a planet. I have also being warned about the native inhabitants off the beyond Farell pirates who have washed up in this corner of space known as rogues, that disorganised rabble of punks. Thank goodness that the leading wass deployed here to show them the destructive, unrelenting truth off superior hygiene and good manners. I can't wait to see their smug faces got smashed in. Yet Another group is involved in this morass, some sort of robot collective that calls itself ascension. Supposedly, if they are magical robots. The rumour is that ascension are a formidable presence, but apparently spend most of their time gorging on power. New Ruse wouldn't have thought robots would get so distracted by food, of all things irregardless of these supposed dangers, regardless of the supposed dangers. Aye, sir. D Habersham Smyth shall valiantly lead the way into the unknown, no matter what the cost to myself or my party. Oh, dear. Left in it. What's that planet doing left in it? Leftenant? It really is a nightmare. It is literally a nightmare. Battle stations by phone stations.