Accented e learning module


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the first module of reinvent yourself. Programme Mind for less This module will support U N building your personal mindful less practises defining mind for less I invite you to reflect upon the following before we get started. How often have you taken time to meditate for 10 minutes in the last couple of weeks? If the answer is yes, I have meditated a few times then congratulations to you. You did good If you have not meditated even once Well, now is a good time to start as any. Did you download the mind for list app? Stop, breathe and think. If not, you could download it now. Once you get into the habit of being mindful being proactive, he had don't need the app anymore. How is your personal action plan on mindfulness progressing? If you have already seen benefits, then congratulations. Your journey of mindfulness is progressing well. If not, don't worry. This e learning will bring you up to speed in a simple and fun way