AMY's Helping Hands IVR /Voicemail Message



Caring, believable, soothing, nurturing, calming, informative, happy

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
there's no place like home. And when you're elderly, living in your own home alone can create challenges at Amy's helping Hands, we have trained caregivers who concave you. Piece of mind. Amy's helping hands air just that people who are trained to offer you an extra hand if you need it, you might need assistance running your errands going to and from appointments, preparing your meals, personal care or from time to time. Just need someone to talk to. Amy's helping hands can do all of these things, and more are care givers. Become a part of your extended family. And what's more, our AIDS can ensure you stay in your own home longer. Yes, there's no place like home, and there's no place like Amy's. Helping Hands will be with you in just a moment. Thanks for holding