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Healthcare systems love this voice!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
of all the places in the entire world, this place is unique. Unique is our superpower. Strength, resilience and imagination are our heritage in our future. The future of living longer, stronger, bigger, bolder, better lives and a community builds on health and well being. Never doubt that this place is extra special. But why it's you. You are the one of a kind, rare and precious member of the human family we see in every medical breakthrough and every checkup. There's only one of you be treated that way. University of Utah Health number one in quality care and world class research Working together for you today is the start of a transformation, a celebration of the what ifs. The Why nots. Because who says what is, is what has to be and who says today is as good as it gets were for the bold step for the breakthrough for the next day and the next. We're for tomorrow. Advocate Healthcare. Tomorrow starts today from father of the Bride to kissing your grandchild, leaving the office for the last time and starting on the bucket list. Life goes on and beats per minute for milestone for memory. Keep the pace with University of Utah health care. Cardiovascular specialists in locations across the Wasatch Front Heart. Care for your rhythm of life? Visit heart that you have you health dot org's to learn more.