Commercials 2016

Radio Ad


Rex's 2016 Commercial demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Rex Anderson. How can I get clean natural gas at home? Washington Gas makes converting your home to natural gas easy from checking availability to tips on appliances, and we offer natural gas generators reliable backups in any weather condition. I know what you're thinking. Oh, yeah, sure, like I could just get up and fly to Hawaii. Who's got the money? Three for 20 on top flight. Tech golf gloves. Select slides and sandals are buy one. Get 1/2 off. And so our outdoor games, starting in 1999. ****'s sporting goods and field and stream to great stores now open at the All American Sports Center at McGowan Park. One sip and you're there. You're feeling better. I knew you would. In a moment you'll be saying I feel warm from my head to my toes. There are no standard treatments. There's only the treatment that works for you. Innova. Join the future of health