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Finding and Inviting Talent to Work with on Voices
Posting a Job
Buying on the Project Marketplace
Working with Managed Services

Finding and Inviting Talent to Work With on Voices

There are four primary ways to find talent and packages on Voices:

  • using our Search engine;
  • browsing our talent pool and packages via Browse;
  • posting a job and letting Voices automatically match and invite talent to it,
  • browsing and buying Talent Packages, and finally;
  • engaging our Managed Services Team to find talent on your behalf.


At any point while using Voices you can use the Search bar at the top of each page. You can select either Talent or Packages by using the dropdown on the left of the search bar.

Talent Search:

To begin your search, select See All Talent from the dropdown or type your desired keywords into the search bar and hit enter. You'll see a results page that can be further filtered by the options across the top.

Talent cards on the results page will show a variety of information about the talent being displayed:

  • in addition to the talent’s name, rating, number of reviews, and location, you’ll see the number of jobs they’ve completed on Voices;
  • you’ll see the talent’s featured demo, while having ability to preview audio;
  • you can see the tags that talent have assigned to their featured demos, with an additional ‘# More’ indicator to tell you there are additional tags.

You can also favorite talent directly from search results by clicking on the ‘heart’ icon next to the demo preview. If you’re interested in seeing more you can click through to a particular talent’s profile page to learn more about their skills and experience.

Additionally, you can invite a specific talent to respond to your job by clicking the Invite to Job button on the search results page beside the talent’s demo, or from the talent’s profile page. You'll then proceed to create a new job posting. You can also click Invite to Job to add the talent to an existing job.

If you want to search across all of our talent, you’ll be able to take advantage of basic Location filters, like Country, State or Province, and City. 

When searching for voice actors, you’ll be able to filter by: Category, Voice Gender, Voice Age, Language, Accent, Live Directed Session, and Location.

Package Search
When you search for talent packages, you will find a variety of packages that match your key words. You can use the filters across the top of the page to further filter by: Category, Voice Gender, Voice Age, Language, Accent, Price, Delivery Time, etc.

Package results will show a variety of information describing the package details and talent, including: 

  • a descriptive title explaining what the package is,
  • the category being offered,
  • delivery time and price,
  • a project sample to listen to,
  • the talent name, rating, and number of reviews. 


At any time, you can access the Browse experience from the main sub-navigation bar (or sub-nav). You can browse within any of the voice over categories. 

Once you've selected your category, you can further filter by Language, Voice Age, Accents, Style, Role, etc.

You'll see a results page with talent cards displayed. Each talent card includes the talent name, profile photo, ratings and reviews, location, their top demo, and a button to view their profile in more detail. Each package card includes the package title, a sample of the project, talent name and rating, turnaround time, and price. 

To invite the talent or purchase the package, click into the card. 

Post a Job

The most popular way to find a talent is to post a public job and let Voices do the searching, matching, and inviting for you. Simply select the type of job posting you wish to create and enter in the details of the job you’re looking to complete.  Once submitted and approved, the appropriate and best-suited talent will be notified of the job and if interested, will then submit an audition including a quote.  

Buying Talent Packages

Buying a talent package is the quickest way to hire on Voices. Simply use the search or browse function to find the types of packages you are looking for, compare packages, and buy the one you are most interested in. For non-broadcast jobs, you will sometimes have the option to customize packages. Add-ons can also be used for additional customization. 

Working with Managed Services

To learn more about how Managed Services can help you with your complex voice over job, you can visit this page or connect with your Account Manager via email or phone. Your Account Manager's contact information can be found by visiting your My Home page by clicking the Voices logo in the top navigation bar (after you've logged in to your account).


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Article Number
First Published
01/11/2024 14:23
Last Modified
01/16/2024 13:01
All (Client)
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