How do I add or remove demo tags?

Adding Accents, Styles and Roles To Your Demos

  1. Log into your Voices account.

  2. Click on Profile > Demos.

  3. Click the title of the demo you would like to add tags to.

  4. Click into the Accents, Styles or Roles  field and select a tag from the list (repeat until you have selected all appropriate tags).

Removing Tags From Your Demos

  1. Log into your Voices account.

  2. Click on Profile > Demos.

  3. Click the title of the demo you would like remove tags from.

  4. Click the "x" to the right of the tag and it will be removed.

Knowing Your Tag Limits

You are able to select up to 3 accents, 5 roles and 10 styles per demo.  Be sure that the tags you select accurately describe the selected demo.

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Article Number
First Published
03/05/2021 12:53
Last Modified
03/05/2021 12:54
Demos (Talent)
Public Knowledge Base

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