Is there a money back guarantee at Voices?

No we do not offer a money back guarantee on memberships. There is no way we could. 

A voice talent membership at Voices provides you with an online presence. We provide you with a Profile, hosted and maintained by us, file space to store your demos, image and text files, access to resources like suggestions on studio equipment, how to optimize your Profile to maximize search results, how to bill a client for your services, what to bill a client for your services, sample scripts and so on. 

We are primarily a marketing tool for voice talent. We are not part of the job selection process (save for Managed Services jobs) and never part of the awarding process. We cannot guarantee that you'll be awarded a job within a specific timeframe. Your ability to get work depends solely on you and the clients who are listening to your demos. 

We bring the clients to the site; it's your job to get the job. 

Click here to see all the benefits of a Premium annual membership:

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Article Number
First Published
07/18/2022 15:23
Last Modified
07/18/2022 15:23
Memberships (Talent)
Public Knowledge Base

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