Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Jessica Chernega
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This demo is specifically tailored to commercial voice acting, and includes reads from well-known brands. A wide range was used to cover each particular need of the read. Some are happy, some are calm, some are sad.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
life is a journey with lots of twists and turns, and sometimes you can't see what's around the bend With Hyundai. Smart Sense. We'll be ready for anything. Late night meeting. Come on. Not even a challenge. One crystal light energy package gives me the energy to pull an all nighter. Not that I'm volunteering already. Cats are mysterious, but there's one thing that's really obvious. They love mail mix on with more nutrients and vitamins. You should love it to everything you can't do without at prices. You can't be too fine for Amazon prime and get your 1st 6 months free. Amazon. Welcome, everyone. You know that feeling when you step out on a new dress, Imagine feeling that every single day, studio by tide, you would have never guessed there was a puppy mill here. But sure enough, in this quiet small town, there are over 100 dogs being abused every day. Support A S, P. C A and save animals in your community.