Corporate Video - Wanda Group

Profile photo for Rob Jones
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Corporate video for China's Wanda Group

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
early 2016. Mr Wang Jianlin, the chairman of Wanda Group, revealed the approach to his globalisation blueprint this year. Witnessed his words becoming reality. Acquired legendary pictures and propaganda. Jenna invested in tourism business in Europe. Consolidated the largest cinema chain worldwide. Allied Exclusive partnerships with fever and IBF kicked off China Cup. Ran Iron Man in two cities with great success created a new Giants commercial brand of Wonder City at the end of the year, Mr Wang Jianlin predicted in the beginning of the year one. Jen Lin was still famous for being a business tycoon. By the end of the year, he has been referred to as the top magnets in China's entertainment industry. In just one year, people have recognised the transition of wonders. Business model. Two billion people visit Wonder Every year Brick and mortar business scenes of wonder have become the very source of business power. Where is the entrance to these business scenes, where there is a wonder there are Wonder cinemas. Cinemas used to be the reason for the youngsters to meet a wonder as they still are. Movies are the quickest way to approach youngsters. Watching movies is also an iconic social activity among youngsters watching movies triggered the chain reaction of consumption activities as well. The cinema is thie entrance. Wonder Media has pioneered all in one convergence. Marketing perfect experience inside cinemas, delicately planned content through films, experiential spots around cinemas, delights in theme parks. Relax, ation in hotels, excitement of shopping, cheers in stadiums and the precious memories ofthe family hours. With strong emotion involved, every scene becomes a convergence marketing scenario. Across China. It lies in the brick and mortar business scenes around the world. It maps the whole film industry chain, born for movie saw for Wonder Wonder Media, Power of Commerce.