Meditative narration

Video Narration


Bringing the listener into a meditative state of mind with my voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We are all beings made of energy in every cell of your body. There is a vast potential of this energy. The question is, can you access it? Destructive energies try to influence you to keep you in your pain dependent and powerless. I help you to free yourself to understand how to access your full potential. Accessing the energy in each cell. Imagine an energy flow in the center of your body. The chakra theory tells us that there are several energy centers in the human body which can be blocked by a wide variety of reasons and decrease this energy flow. When I work with you, I put my hand on your heart. What then happens is your heart opens, your head becomes empty. The divine energy flow inside of you increases, it starts to flush away blockages in your system. Imagine a river during a heavy rain, the stones get flushed away. You become more loving, compassionate, energetic and happy. Your body becomes healthier and you feel better after the treatment. I wish every one of you to heal. Every human deserves to live a fulfilled and joyful life. What are you waiting for? Much love?