TV & Radio Commercial Demo
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
North American (General)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
new Mad Jack Premium hard root beer. It's the root beer beer that's really good good, giving you the tech and the confidence to put you in a position of power otherwise known as the driver's seat. The first and only car with direct adaptive staring Q. 50 from Infinity. I'm here to fix your sink. When I push down, it does in stock eso What's wrong with the sink? Oh, it's the pipes. Okay, babies, arrest. We speak baby, too. Across 53,000 kilometers of the great Canadian landscape, you'll see our never ending salute to a nation. Mornings air Your chance to start fresh and Onley McDonald's is freshly brewed. McCafe coffee. Most captioning of this program is brought to you in part by the Budweiser Boston size Touchdown Pine. Only at Boston Pizza. Mad Jack Premium Apple Locker. Crisp apple taste meets the **** Yeah, here got pretty