2016 Narration

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Zac approaches the mic in a couple of different ways in this hip and millennial - geared Narration Demo; the first injecting a little testosterone, while the second scales it back a bit for intimacy.

'Battle Factory' - bold, punchy, aggressive
'Auto Show Insider' - informative, intriguing, intimate

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Thisted Time on Battle Factory, a sharp looking weapon that's been on the leading edge since World War two, when you need to get 250 tons in the air. It's the only way to fly, setting your sights on a target that's two kilometers away and a colorful mini bomb that fights fire with fire. Battle factory steps beyond the front lines in the top secret factories where combat gear is built for battle, this time on battle factory from Beijing, China, to Detroit, Michigan and the biggest auto show in the world, where the giants of the motor industry show off their latest creations. But the most sensational exhibit is not in the main showroom. It's parked outside. It's, Ah, humble $6000 Geely, a Chinese car, the first ever to be shown at a North American show. It's a warning shot across the bow of the automotive world