What is a phone patch and how is it used?

Understanding Phone Patches

A phone patch is considerably cheaper than an ISDN line and clients who want to be able to provide real-time direction may request this. In order to conduct a session by phone patch you would either need to purchase a phone patch receiver or use a studio that has the technology.

Phone patch receivers will range in price anywhere from $150 USD and upward. The patch simply feeds your live mic voice and any recorded audio you want through an interface (the patch) and directly into your phone line. You can also receive into your computer the voice at the other end of the phone line. It's what radio stations use for phone interviews.

The patch works like this: the client will call you on a specified number and you will hear them in your headset. You will then record using your own equipment and the client will be able to listen and provide real-time feedback. Only your voice will be recorded, not anything the client says through the headset. The quality of a good phone patch can not be replaced using online calling services like Skype but it can do the trick.

Phone patches are also a great tool to use in the event of dealing with a client who wants you to call their phone and record a message. By using a phone patch, you can connect a pre-recorded message including music into their phone line.

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First Published
12/14/2023 14:19
Last Modified
12/14/2023 14:20
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