Toothbrush Transition

Profile photo for James Bamberger
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


A fellow discusses moving on from his current, worn toothbrush, Reggie to a brand new sleek toothbrush, Vincenzo.
A narrator voice plus a bit of British thug, an old man and a sexy Italian hipster broadcaster.

All music and sound effects are legal etc...

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Italian (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Reggie has been a fantastic toothbrush. You know, we've shared 486 intimate moments together, and I swear you can see him shuttering with anticipation every time I go toe grip, Um, and slather on that Colgate for him caressing or ravaging my mouth while these are the highlights of his days. But I do bore easily, so I'll just use you up this one last time. Be moving on with my life. Goodbye, old friend. Now welcome Vincenzo straight out of the package. He's a regal purple with pristine bristles. He's firm confidence lake and sensual from pretty much every angle. And tomorrow morning, German una por la manana. This is going to be our Orel maiden voyage, right? Oh, Oh, child. Son of in chains of this learning fantastical very quick and non video Laura de Severe T