Commercial, Young Adult

Radio Ad


Believable, Conversational, Friendly, Generation X, Generation Y, Genuine, Happy, High Energy, Natural, Playful, Upbeat, Warm

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Come on, you could tell me Where'd you get it? I mean, how did you afford that? You've gotta be kidding. That's all the cost. Arkan Jewelers in Wakefield Mall TDs, comics and games. Everything you're looking for and more We have a fantastic selection of your favorite and hard to find comics back issues, trade paperbacks and Monga We also carry the best trading cards and miniature games from Magic The Gathering Toe Warhammer 40 k dude, When the surf's up there's nothing that could stop me from getting the waves And when I need new surf here I go straight to the Hang 10 Surf Sha Animal Junction The teachings Ooh, that visits you Children and adults get an amazing opportunity to meat rare and exotic animals up close at your event or party. You might be wondering what I'm smiling about After all, I'm sitting here with two broken legs and a broken arm. Well is because of my good hand. I'm holding a flint here