Animation Gaming / Warrior Woman, Superhuman Menacing, Goddess, Evil



Police Investigator, AI, Brave, Warrior, Priestess, Vamp, The Spinster, The Matriarch, Femme Fatale, The Mystic Medusa, Creature, Demon, Queen, Evil, Warrior, Goddess, Aphrodite, Temptress, Mercurial.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So you're the promise one I've been hearing so much about. I think you're looking for this way. Need to talk. Follow me. There it is. A retro scan picked up another ship. It must be near along. It's called Peak for a reason, You numb scowl. Can you repair me or will you leave me here? It was only later that I learned thie identity of my attacker. The parasitic organism we now know as X. Unaware of my condition. I was returning to the station when disaster struck. This is serious free. We've lost power in no immediate danger. But we could do with a toe. Welcome. Teo Arena from Bio box to the scourge. There's no better entertainment in this quadrant. I'm so cold. It hurts. Working late, Detective. I bet you could do with some company. Jesus, Look at that guy. He's messed up. Hey, you need some help? Wait, wait