English, Commercial, Radio, TV, character

Profile photo for Sean Beaty
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Mixed voices. A few words to describe them: Spicy, calm, fun, animated, character, loving and just plain talking. Enjoy the range and thanks for listening.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Cryptocurrency even in today's world. It's still a pretty confusing concept. Coinbase dot com helps take some of the guess work out of digital currency. You can invest in funds like Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum. Hey mom and dad wanna take the kids somewhere. Cool. Hop on over to Boomers. Modesto's new amusement park at Boomers. We've got spin zone bumper cars, laser tag and so much more. Watch your kids put the pedal to the metal in their super pass, go cart these two sleeping without a care in the world. I don't remember it being like this when I was a kid. But now listen to them ever since they got their crane drop air humidifiers, they said they've been sleeping like this with real fruit as the first ingredient. It's no wonder that Smucker's natural fruit spreads are natural enough for the whole family. And now with new bee keepers promise honey and Smucker mosaics, you can enjoy fruitfully delicious combinations with less than 10 minutes of prep. This really ain't my thing. You understand by the bing bada bang bada boom boom food day in day out. It gets tiring for a man like me. That's why I use delivery dot com. You order your food online, they bring it to you. It's that simple with more than seven additional vineyards nearby. Our resort promises a delightful retreat from the rest of the world, Gentle Springs Resort where relaxation and culinary delights await you. This is Sean Beatty. Thanks for listening.