Life Insurance -- Upbeat , Friendly , Informative , Conversational , Happy

Video Narration


This voiceover is an animated story about life insurance. This narration is cute and fun but also educational and informative. The tone is upbeat , friendly , conversational and happy with a GenAm tone.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
meet Dwight. When it comes to retirement planning, Dwight feels pretty good about himself. After all, he's done everything just right. You might even call him just right, Dwight. But there's one thing Dwight hasn't planned. For the financial risk of long term care expenses 15 years or more into retirement, Dwight might be uncomfortable thinking about the possibility of meeting long term care someday. But odds are he'll need it. More than one into Americans over the age of 65 will need long term care in their lifetime. And if Dwight does need it, odds are it will be late into retirement. Most Americans begin long term care at age 80 or older, which means if Dwight retires at age 65 he maybe 15 years arm or into drawing down retirement assets when his long term care expenses begin. Long term care is expensive and is a growing concern. Costs vary by state duration and type. For example, if we take the national average annual cost for private nursing home care and project 30 years from now, Dwight may pay as much as 1.5 million for five years of long term care. How long may his retirement assets hold up under such strain, there may be a better way with Pacific Life Insurance Company. You can offer Dwight choices. We're here to help. Simply contact the Pacific Life Insurance Company LTC Sales desk at 8555840661 or email us that LTC sales desk a Pacific life dot com. Let's see how the power of choice can work for your clients. This information was recorded on May 2nd 2018. State code for this recording is 18-20.