ELearning - Healthcare - Nurses - Training Module - Course Navigation

Profile photo for Gina Scarpa
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I voiced a series of training modules for In The Know's eLearning content for in-home caregivers. Topics included infection control, housekeeping basics, feeding clients, and OSHA regulations, among others.

eLearning - Healthcare - Nurses - Training Module - Course Navigation

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to this module from in the Know Caregiver Training, click the about button to learn how to navigate the course, Then click the start course button to work through the course material. You will finish with a 10 question quiz. You can overview this course using the dropdown menu although you cannot skip ahead to upcoming slides, you can use this menu to review previous slides. If you want additional information about the topic covered in this course, review the recommended resources included here. Each slide has a time slider like the one you see here. You cannot advance to the next slide until the time slider is complete. If you have extra time after reading each slide, use that time to take notes After the time slider is complete, you can use the next button on the toolbar to navigate to the next slide. You can also use the back button at any time to return to the previous slide. Finally many of the slides contain buttons and activities for you to interact with during the course. Be sure that you go through all of the interactions on each slide, including clicking each button like the about and start course buttons here. You will learn important content. You will not be able to continue to the next slide until you have completed these interactions