ShoWorks Full Phone System Voiceover



I was selected to do the VO for the entire ShoWorks Phone System. I was fortunate to be selected over dozens of other applicants for this VO, and the client was very pleased with the results. They were a pleasure to work with!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
press the pound key to be transferred to the caller or the Starkey to transfer the caller directly to voicemail or hang up to allow the caller to wait in the queue for the next available agent and be transferred to voice mail. If there are no other available agents, please enter your service plan number located on your show, works in voice and also found within show works by selecting the help menu and then selecting about show works. Phone support is only available to customers who are current in our yearly service plan. Free support is available from our website at no charge at www dot fair software dot com. You have requested urgent care support, which is only available as an advanced scheduled service. If you have purchased this option, enter your urgent care code now. Otherwise, press the star key to return to the main menu. You have reached Gladstone and the show works sales and support line in the after hours. Our normal business hours are 9 to 5 Monday through Friday Central time, and we are now closed. If you're in need of technical support during these after hours, please listen to the following options. Many solutions to common issues may be found on our website at www dot fair software dot com, then clicking the support button, then help articles. Customers with the current service plan number may send messages to our support team in the after hours from our website by entering their current service plan number in the appropriate box before sending a message. If you are enrolled in the optional urgent care 24 7 support, please follow the instructions on your urgent care contract to reach a live technician for more information on all support policies, including response times, support methods and urgent care support, please see your original show works receipt or visit our website and choose the support button, then support policy. We thank you for choosing show works and look forward to assisting your fair needs both online and on the fairgrounds.