Warriors - Onestar's Confession - Animal narration

Profile photo for Lillie Ricciardi
Not Yet Rated


Warrior cats - the story of stray cats surviving in the wild. Winner of Onestar's Confession fan poll. Sample from this novel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
One paw. Tanzi Paw. Wake up one paw opened his eyes in gray dawn light above his head. Clouds surged across the sky driven by a blustering wind. The weather was still cold for new leaf and threatening rain. He was curled up in the apprentice's den. A sheltered spot between two large boulders. His den mates were sleeping around him in a furry huddle. Come on, Ren flight was perched on one of the boulders gazing down into the den. You're going to do the dawn patrol with me and dead foot. One paw. Give Tansy paw a prod, will you? One paw obeyed. Poking Tanzi Paw in the belly with one forepaw. The tabby apprentice let out a long soft growl and wrapped her tail over her ears. One paw had to give her another harder prod before she looked up. Why did you have to go and wake me up? She asked Crossley, I was having a lovely dream about eating a big bowl full of fish and cream. One paw didn't like the sound of that. It had been nearly a moon. Now, since the two kitty pets had become apprentices and he didn't think that Tansy Paw was settling in. Well, is she really committed to win Clan if she's dreaming about eating two leg food ren flight? Twitched her whiskers and annoyance, but her voice was calm as she said. Well, I'm sorry, there's no cream here. And if you want fish, you'll have to go to River Clan. Right now. We're going to do the dawn patrol. And by the time we get back there will be plenty of prey on the fresh kill pile. But I'm hungry now, Tanzi Paul muttered, struggling to her paw and I'm fed up with rabbit. Rabbit, rabbit every day. Ren flight leaped down from the boulder and disappeared as if she hadn't heard that one. Paw hoped she hadn't side by side. He and Tanzi Paul headed out into the camp where dead foot and Ren flight were waiting, then followed their two mentors toward the border re flight. Looked back over her shoulder. Tanzi pa. We're unlikely to see cats from any other clans. But if we do stay out of sight. Yes. R flight. Tanzi Palm meowed. She plodded along beside one paw, her head and tail drooping the wind buffeting her fur. Being an apprentice is just stupid. She grumbled. It takes so much work to get even a few mouthfuls of miserable rabbit and we have to be outside in the cold all the time. There isn't even anywhere comfortable to sleep in my house. Folk den, I had a cushion, whatever that is one paw thought. But don't you like being out in the open? He asked the air is so fresh and sparkly and up here on the more we can run forever. I don't want to run forever. Tanzi Paul retorted and I don't want Ren Flight ordering me around. Keep your voice down. One Paul warned her, you don't want our mentors to hear you anyway. I thought you liked Ren Flight. Tanzi Paul looked uncomfortable. I sort of do. She admitted I can see she's a great cat. I just wish she weren't on my tail the whole time. She's your mentor. She's supposed to be one pop broke off as re flight turned back toward them River Clan Cats. She exclaimed, Tanzi Paw. Get down here.