Lisa Woodcock TV Narration Demo 2018

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TV in show Narration. BBC Blue Planet, Documentary, America's Next Top Model ANTM, Food Network, Fear Thy Neighbor

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Azeri improvises solutions and makes changes in the overall design. There are places where some of his tweaks are actually working. This is Cassie Boothe Reef is nearly complete. House is far from or too tight. There are still no windows, and that piece alone has a late time of eight weeks. There's no time to horse around when there's a fantasy. My little Tony Kate to be made All right, get this guy loaded up. I think it's gonna be awesome. Despite hitting a few snacks with some of the facial features, Kim and her team already to stuck it up and put on the finishing touches. The shallow seas around the equator make excellent nurseries for female humpback whales, and then the born carves waters are warm, calm and have very few predators. The mom and baby part will remain here for the next five months until the colour fish strong enough to make the journey to the feeding grounds In the competition, Caroline and Tamara are finding it especially difficult to work together. I am embarrassed as a competitive ER to be seen with this type of person. With Team Makeover challenge underway, it's a battle to the finish to find out which of the contestants will survive to face the judges in this neighbourhood. Friends hanging out on the street after work is a common occurrence. But tonight, what seems like harmless teasing goes from friendly to deadly. In the blink of an eye ready, Ricky is hit in the chest. Friends rush Jamie to prevent him from firing again and hold him down until the police arrive.